Brochures And Brochure Holder Instead Of SEO And Co.

Instead of digital advertising, sensually experiencable local history leaflets at the latest since the launch of the iPad from Apple, it has become clear that the counter has become unstoppable to totalitarian digitization of the written word. Already now, the World Wide Web is the medium, which is mainly used for all kinds of text work. Google competes with authors, and the emergence of Web 2.0 does its part. In countless blogs, text and info portals you can inform yourself today much important and even more less viable. So also the major encyclopedias gone, ala Brockhaus and co. Since there are wikis so abstruse subject to pretty much everyone. And as well in terms of marketing, the latest trend is direction as it could otherwise be online marketing.

SEO, SEM, social media marketing, etc., to read anyway, would now be integrated into the perfect marketing mix of a company. Can imagine but really man/woman, every morning at the breakfast table on the newspaper from recycletem Paper completely to renounce? Or no longer to poke around in libraries and to have these wonderfully musty smell of old books in the nose? Instead of having touch screen on paper only on the LCD display iPads to its look and no longer to turn, but only frantic finger exercises on the? And what is actually with the IKEA catalogue? He seems to belong to now probably to one of the most popular readings in German lands. The man needs tactile experiences, what is able to explain the success of the IKEA catalog. It explains also likely still widely practiced efforts by companies to produce beautifully designed brochures and booklets from more or less refined papers. Advertising as on the old-fashioned despite blogs, Facebook and Twitter. You should use special racks for a reasonable presentation of company brochures and leaflets. Of course, you could just stack the brochures.

At a booth, PoS or promotion level gives a brochure stand Corporate image but certainly more professionalism. The EasyShare display GmbH from Hannover, a manufacturer and leader in mobile point of sale displays, banner displays, folding displays, rollup display, promotion and exhibition counters, various other types of advertising and promotional display solutions, results in different racks and brochure holders in its extensive product portfolio. TopSeller of brochure holder & brochure holder product category is the easy stair brochure holder-folding. The easy stair brochure holder-folding is made of aluminium and Plexiglas, easy to handle and can accommodate A4 leaflets and brochures for DIN. The foldable brochure stand is easy StairBamboo an another foldable brochure stand and an innovation with regard to its substrate. Identical with the easy stair brochure holder-folding the foldable brochure stand consists of easy StairBamboo environmentally degradable bamboo however 100%. Another highlight is the Octanorm brochure holder acrylic. The striking design of the Aluminium brochure stand is guaranteed the Octanorm brochure holder with acrylic brochure shelves acrylic to the eye-catcher on any corporate presentation. Approximately identical, but from the own workshop comes the easy brochure A4 brochure holder. Also made of aluminium and acrylic the easy brochure A4 brochure holder has a – or fold-out feet, providing a simple setting up, on the other hand a stable stand that. prospektstaender.html brochure holder/easy-stair-prospektstaender.html

Different Types of Advertising

Then what is the difference from the usual advertising pr advertising? Professional PR people avoid buying time and space to send a message. They try to present information in a way that the media had a vested interest free its place. Even when for PR-events, PR-events, PR-campaigns is allocated budget, the goal is to change public attitudes in favor of the organization. Advertising longer works for sale. PR – the image and positive opinion about the product / company. That means more work in the art of spin doctor who promotes a product or company? And not to pay for PR, you just need to find a specialist? Yes, exactly! Many are accustomed to pay for PR, because it is so easy, fast, convenient.

And not every pr agency is trying to find in your home state of the spin doctor, whose task will be to promote the free client to the media. Are you saying that your pr agency Centre marketing techniques work just such specialists? Our approach is to work to provide pr services pr holding shares, pr writing texts, and in general promotional, is much different from the work of these agencies, pr. Our Services pr area built to customer spending is not financial, and organizational resources. After all, this is the essence of a pr. Few is not clear how the agency reaches your pr pr free listings of materials in the media? There may be several options. Easiest when the media is interested in our client.

Online Publish Print Media

Journal catalogues with new, versatile features! The Hamburg-based and digital dialogue marketing specialist West North West offers as German partner of iPaper company upgraded with versatile features, online to publish the possibility of their print media, advertising agency. In the so called iPapers, it is a Flash-based, animated presentation of books, magazines and catalogues based on the PDF print templates with any standard Web browser such as a brochure on the screen, scroll through”can be. So that allows companies such as publishers, shippers, retailers and tour operators a West Northwest cost-saving entry in the online business savings areas in the distribution, such as for sending catalogs a simple upgrade and enhancement of the site one efficient building of a Web shop or an extension of this extensive analyses of user behaviour in the media accessibility of target groups with low online affinity in addition to their attractive functionality and appearance offer iPapers many more options for cost savings, E.g. through online distribution of print media”viral effects (forwarding of the medium to friends and acquaintances) an effective secondary exploitation of print templates extensive options to enhance the attractiveness of the website savings such as the revision of many online sites so can enterprises easy and cost saving way in a single pass their entire range that has been presented so far only conventionally”, finally online each accessible to make” explains the Managing Director the West-North-Western advertising agency, Thomas Donath. About the West-North-Western ad agency KG: the West North West advertising agency offers extensive experience in the field of traditional advertising, direct marketing and online media with her trunk out 6 fixed and free employees.

IPaper the West North West offering advertising agency the eMail marketing software zoommail as well as the CMS (content management system) washAPP. With these three solutions company can most finally yours Online marketing process internally and without significant effort of external suppliers. Get more information about iPaper under ipaper, guide to zoommail or washAPP under. West North West of agency KG new horse 1 20359 Hamburg phone: 040 / 412 6354 80 fax: 040 / 412 6354 75

Junius Davydov

And now – about the seminar. I must say that the administration is not without an insidious intent Junius Davydov put in extreme conditions. Instead, any logical on BTL-environment, he came to Internet users and recruiters. The theme of the seminar ‘Provocation as a way forward’ was fully in line with the principal crime, vydvagaemomu provocateurs from the honest public, ‘you samopiarom do more than advertising. ” Naturally, the topic itself Junius did not choose. Until the last moment of his young staff thought that all fell through at the previous speaker – brilliant Mick came Sarim on the strength of seven or ten. But the hall has turned almost full.

Of course, dominated by young people. But who else could develop new, cost-effective methods of merry and brand promotion? The speaker did not disappoint the audience, topic samopiara categorically refused to develop, and simply told about what the agency. We must assume (unless it is a provocation), which is packaged in a stylish rectangles cryptic terms lies the mass of interest. But Junius left them to sparkle on the screen and began to explain everything, they say, ‘on his fingers’, reducing the content of lectures to the beautifully designed and branded flavored tales recent interview. Apparently, the author has decided that one thing – Printed text and another – live chat.


Apart from the fact that the brand is present only in the store, she still has a fairly high level of merchandising – a quality representation. We are witnessing not just "for show" in the outlet, there is a specific, high demand consumer snack range, which gives the greatest profit. Working with other people's brands: increased profits distributional areas of logistics companies Snack Export sharpened by our product, under the snacks, so if we work with and products of other manufacturers, we only select groups of products similar to snack on logistics. In addition, it seems to me, the uniqueness of the company lies in the fact that the Snack-Export at the same time, that is engaged in direct marketing and distribution of more-focused. Therefore, Snack Export develops and operates directly in two directions: a company that produces high quality snacks and creates a brand and a company that very same quality of these snacks and sells: TM "Flint", TM "Macho", TM "Kozatska rozvaga" TM "Marine" – all this brand-leaders in their snack segments.

Again I want to emphasize that the distribution Snack exports not only numerically, it is, first and foremost, quality, and we pay attention not just on the fact of our presence at trade point, and how there are our snacks. This, I think we are like the best Western companies on the market of Ukraine (not too much, but they have one). In contrast to the general situation on the Ukrainian market, our distributor, the one part of the company, which is responsible for distribution, is constantly working on increasing their income.

New Corporate Design

mosquito developed extensive manual already the new claim in the swb bubble transported the core values of the Bremen provider of reason: for today. For tomorrow. For me. The ambitious target to cut emissions until 2020 20% CO2, increasing 20% energy efficiency and to generate 20% of energy from renewable sources, is a modern, bold statement. Reason to encounter enough times changed after 2004, with a modified appearance.

Bremen’s cityscape changed currently, because the popular swb red Gets a partner: green. As an expression of sustained action mosquito next to the color world changed but the new claim as well as all fire developed also the world of images, elements of the corporate design. 2004 Mosquito accompanied the realignment by swb as the umbrella brand and delivered the CD Manual. Now, after 8 years, it was time for a change of scenery. New challenges to meet the energy needs, environmental and climate protection and with regard to the shortage of resources, require some rethinking.

Also visually. SWB presents itself as a Middle courageous and responsible service providers, sustainably powered Bremen and everywhere. With the energy production from landfills, the electricity produced by the Weser plant and the wind turbines, the company delivers even local power. Exemplary and regionally connected. recently, SWB cars were the first. The new understanding is now visible and is on many formats and forms, as soon as self-evident, so Bremen ads, trams and print products, like Roland and town musicians.


Also, at this stage candidates fill out questionnaires on product knowledge and theoretical foundations of sales. The results of this round to the next stage is about half the applicants. 3) Imitation of sales at this stage is modeled by the situation and Sale verify the candidate's ability to establish contact, the ability to ascertain the needs present the product and work with the objections of the price. At this stage it is particularly important in the presence of the commission merchants of other businesses to ignorance of the product did not lead to lower estimates of the candidate members of the commission. Because if the candidate is not familiar with the company's product, its ranking falls automatically in the eyes of experts Your business, and other experts, it does not bother, because they pay attention on sales skills of the candidate. Thus, the commission must be balanced in its composition. In addition, the Commission also must involve the future chief of the candidate who has the right to a taboo on any candidate.

This means that even if the other committee members voted for the candidate to skip to the next stage, the head may refuse and not miss a candidate for the next round. In this case, his vote will be decisive. This decision, the responsibility for hiring a candidate is assigned directly to his future manager. In addition, the head of this opinion is particularly important because the candidate will work just under his command, and you want it fully came to him as to his personal and professional qualities.


"Advertising – the engine of sales … some move, one sells "The successful development of any commercial venture depends on whether consumers know about it, which will be of interest to the offered goods or services. In attracting the target audience is the essence of advertising. And if you wish to organize their own business, without the quality of advertising you can not do. Proper placement will accelerate the advancement of your business. Of course, no investment is necessary.

But the final result will exceed all expectations. In order for advertising has been effective, it must decide what part of the potential consumer, it must influence. This can help you with advertising agency to place different types of advertising through the operators. These agencies tend to live in the percentage of opreatora this or that kind of advertising. Who will be the most interested in the proposed goods and services.

And from someone who is the target audience: men or women, young or old, athletes and fashionistas, and will depend on choosing the most effective advertising media information. Advertising on the Internet. The Internet has become a rapidly growing advertising medium, with the help of a popular website promotion services (St. Petersburg and Moscow – the main regions of) companies promote their products and services. Internet provides extremely accurate to choose the target audience: age, profession, gender, interest … Thus, the advertising appeal hits right on target, and hence – will be most effective. Leaflets and flyers. Promotions are aimed primarily at young people. After all, handed out flyers on the streets, and posters, most of all they take. So, in this form of advertising, acting as tselevikov. Very diverse choice of outdoor advertising media – large-format panels, light boxes, stickers, transport, advertising design, window dressing and shopping, etc. Mass advertising. So how to use television advertising, information comes to a very large number of consumers in a relatively short period of time, it is understandable that in the ranking, advertising on television is one of the highest positions. TV advertising has the most extensive audience. Underground. Advertising in metro is huge competition to all other types of advertising, with respect to megacities. It is here that many people use the services of Metro. So, is often faced with a hosted advertising information here. Advertising on transport, advertising in the subway and on the radio. There are many ways to advertise. To date, uses a lot of opportunities to attract an increasing number of consumers. Appeared fairly advanced type of advertising that is the union of transport and commercials. This provides a much more intimate contact with the audience. Pretty good publicity stunt – To establish a taxi TV screens, dynamic image attracts the eyes on the screens and provides a close contact. But to assert that one or another form of advertising can not be the most effective. It is important to correct advertising. And then, regardless of type, advertising will yield results. Audience. Print advertising and design posters, business cards, banners, advertising in print or TV ads – all various types of advertising, which are only effective for some people. There is no single type of advertising that would be workable for all. From the above it is clear that the correct location of advertising is very important to achieve a positive result. And it needs to conduct pre-deployment training. And do not underestimate the ad. "Advertising – the engine of trade '- this adage is true at 100%. Without good advertising should not expect success.