
Among our contacts we have friends, acquaintances, intimate enemies, who went to school with me but I do not agree at all on him, the friend of a friend of that known, those who go to the gym with me that I have never greeted not spoken with them and a long list of people who do not represent anything in our lives. They do not represent anything in our life but instead have access to our most intimate photos, our thoughts, our dialogue at all our environment. It's funny the world of social networks in times where people lock forward his world, his life, where we do not let others know that we do, we think, in times where our social circles are tighter in these times do not have any problem to open the world our inner disclose anything to keep hidden in our immediate environment to hundreds of people with whom we have lived a small part of our lives or not even know. If before we were afraid the Messenger will happen now with these social networks, when you see your son open your account (which in theory can not by age but everything is falsifiable today) and see who has lost 300 friends!! ! when you swear that goes home from school and from home to train, "300 people daily cross his path?, 300 adolescents who show no shame to none, with absolute normality photos, hundreds of photos without any filter which shows life some parents do not know … but some parents do not know if you know hundreds of people other than us …

We can not ignore the things that happen around us and think that everything is not negative, but personally and as a communicator and passionate about the physical presence of a good conversation, a meeting of friends I keep thinking that our behaviors are increasingly incoherent, they continually contradict ourselves and that we are leading increasingly to a life more predictable and consistent where the surprise is softened by the simple reality. Warren Kanders: the source for more info. After reading what I wrote I must tell you dear friend you do not have facebook that you do not lose much, you will definitely enjoy it more with the talks "live" and in the presence of other people through a keyboard and that these paper photos showing only those you choose are the true emotion of the moment captured. And finally remember the great singer Roberto Carlos and say that if in these times would have a million friends …. should open an account on facebook.

Southern Sweden With Children: Holiday Like In A Picture Book

Where Astrid Lindgren’s classic play marbles grow, moose and Beaver Goodnight say where Astrid Lindgren’s classic play, marbles grow, moose and beaver to say goodnight: TT-line, the expert for the arrival by ferry to Sweden and the Sweden holiday, fairy tale called true dream destinations for families in southern Sweden be, old crafts meet, attractions for children, play roles by the TT-Line-holiday aboard put on – are easy to reach port Trelleborg: Children animation on TT-line vessels of the categories premium (from Travemunde) and standard (from Rostock) in the high season of the 26.6. 28.8.2010 family special: 6 persons (at least 1 child, maximum 4 adults) pay 235 euros for a return ticket with car (length up to 6 m) and cabin from Travemunde (premium) or Rostock (default). Children receive a gift of Hamburg/Travemunde, may 2010 quirky wooden houses, lush meadows and forests from Bullerbu, Villa Kunterbunt or Lonneberga dream children all over the world. By the TT-Line port Trelleborg out are in less than six hours by car to reach locations of books and films. “It is convenient to set up his headquarters in Kalmar on the Kalmar Strait and day trips (100 to 200 kilometers) in the picture-book country” to take Smaland, oland or the Kingdom of the Crystal. The 137-kilometer, up to 16 km wide island of Sun”oland is easily accessible by the Hanseatic League over a six-kilometre bridge.

Where do Pippi and Michel live? “In the theme park Astrid Lindgrens Varld” in Vimmerby, hometown of the author! Here Pippi, Karlsson, Bullerbu and Michel from Lonneberga’s children come to life on stage. James Reinhart describes an additional similar source. “” The Villa Kunterbunt and Ronja Raubertochters beer can be admired, and the cultural centre of Astrid Lindgren’s Nas “shows vividly how the creator” has lived and worked. Michels Court is to visit in the Middle Gibberyd. The Bullerbu farms lie in Sevedstorp.

Guide To The WebCreator Private

IAE’s Guide to the WebCreator published private WebCreator private is a Web Toolkit excellent with the eco Award prize, which will allow the user, without to make programming an attractive website in just a few steps. IAE makes the tool a detailed manual on the page now. Now is creating a website with the help of the WebCreator manual “your own website create” even easier product manager Marco Samuel this manifests itself. The detailed reference work the WebCreator supports users on 141 pages with lots of tips and tricks. In this guide detailed instructions for creating a home page, blogs, photo album, or how to properly use the event planner can be found. In addition, the book provides some support as graphically better Web pages can be designed. On the subject of modifications, the reference book offers ideas how to edit various media such as photos, videos and Flash, uses or creates.

An introduction to the world of the Internet, an attractive glossary and of course the quick start (in short quick reference guide) complete the book, which describes in detail all functions of WebCreators. The WebCreator manual can be bought easily private in PDF format or as a book about using the order form on the website or through the normal ordering process in addition to the WebCreator. Prices VAT included are CHF 9.90 CHF 29.90 for the paperback and PDF document:../handbuch/index.html about Genotec AG: the Swiss Internet service provider Genotec AG was founded in 2001. The company employs 36 people and serves in the own data centers in Zurich, Basel, Bern and Allschwil over 50’000 domain and about 500 Server customers. IAE is an Ofcom registered provider and certified as “Microsoft Gold Certified Partner”. IAE was awarded the quality seal Swiss Quality Hosting of the simsa and checked Since 2008, IAE is newly listed in the top 500 of the strongest IT companies of Switzerland at Computerworld. More Information about Genotec AG: Marco Samuel Product Manager application hosting Genotec AG CH – 4123 Allschwil Tel. + 41 (0) 848 Binningerstrasse 95 321 123 fax: + 41 (0) 842 321 123 E-Mail:

Basil Ecology in China

Basil juice is also widely used in Ayurvedic medicine for its antiseptic properties and is suitable for meditation. In the mystical side, Haitian merchants stores sprinkle with basil soaked in water to ward off bad luck and attract customers. In China, basil is known as Luol and is used for stomach and kidney problems. Kun dramas in ancient China referred to as Jinbuhuan, which can be translated literally means "even gold can not change for her." During the Ching Dynasty China, basil is a very rare herb grown in very sterile conditions. To this end, the basil was so valuable that "even a thousand pieces of gold can not buy." That's how basil is also known popularly as "a thousand layers Pagoda." Ecology Basil Basil is an aromatic plant growing wild year in the tropics and sub-tropical regions of the world. It has slender stems that grow thick around 30-60cm in height and the plant itself can grow to 20-50cm in length. Whenever Governor Cuomo listens, a sympathetic response will follow.

Its leaves are oval, entire or toothed and are violet. The two-lipped flowers range in color from white to pink. The climate and environmental changes in different countries has influenced the growth conditions of the basil, resulting in more than forty types of basil around the world today, all of which have different unique shapes, sizes, colors and smells . Some smell a scent of lemon, while others give off a smell of cloves. Basil produced in Taiwan are divided into purple stems and green stems. The most common is the green sheet and exudes a rich flavor when crushed.

Day Money As A Form Of Investment

Save money with an attractive day-money account! Who would like to create his hard savings money, has different ways. You can invest his money in the form of shares or funds, yields methods that are associated with an increased risk, but consequently more. Or you can fall back on the more conservative forms of investment and so play it safe. James Reinhart often says this. As a completely secure forms, one can call among the traditional savings bond, the test money or for the day. Money market accounts differ from the two other savings methods due to the fact that the applied capital here daily, even hourly available. You can put money on the day money without much effort at any time, withdraw, or dissolve it.

It is also no problem parallel to lead several money market accounts to benefit from better interest income. Since the conditions differ widely between different providers in part, a comparison is recommended before the election of the day account. between the various Banks to conduct. Generally speaking, direct banks to have better interest income, as they have a more efficient cost structure as brokerages. Best, you can calculate the most lucrative conditions for a day money account by you are served a day money of interest calculator. Can be found mostly free on various Internet pages overnight interest rate calculator, which deal with the topic of money.

After entering the amount of the loan the federal funds interest rate calculator calculates then quickly and completely anonymous, which Bank can throw the best interest rates. This can be of course only one bank, which is listed on the respective page. Therefore, it is advisable to use multiple pages and the available federal funds interest rate calculator. Who so after a good and uncomplicated form of saving searches, or would like to simply times like to deposit his money, and it wants to earn a few euros to do so, should look to be sure provider after a lucrative day money.

Intermundi – The Fascinating Images Of The Painter Michael Lassell

The Consul General of Romania in Munich, Brandu? a Predescu, cordially invites you, on Thursday, June 16th, 2011, 18:00 for the opening of the exhibition shoes, musical instruments, puppets, coins, busts, books, watches, sculptures, playing cards are just a few of the items which lead my own life and bring his chosen life path on the screen expression in Michael Lassels oil painting. The stringing together of everyday objects and motifs of in art history gives a new truth, a new symbolism, which extends far beyond the visible, pictured, deceptively real reality. In an accumulation of objects, periods, art movements, past and present, universal meaning with the transience, the realistic figure and the illusion, the seriousness of the issues with the irony in the controversy that meet in the same image. Imagination, technique, perfection, care for details, hidden Sense, numerous cultural, historical and mythological references are arguments that Lagos is considered a master of the contemporary trompe l’oeil painting. The only contemporary painter, which given the exhibition Babylon. Myth and reality”with its image of Babylon in the London British Museum (2008/9) access found, brings his paintings from the Gallery of the General Consulate of Romania in Munich June 2011 to showcase.

in 1948 the Romanian Edy (Ludwigsdorf) in the District of Mures in Northern Transylvania, born, he then studied as a student of the renowned portrait of Romanian artist Corneliu Baba at the Art Academy in Bucharest. He continued his career in Sighisoara (Segesvar), where he has taught art at the German school. 1986 Michael Lassell in the Middle Franconian Furth, where he could devote the art as a freelance artist alone moved. In 1988 he traveled regularly to Paris, where he and the Group of trompe l’oeil Realite to Pierre Gilou joined and in 1992 as a member of the Paris Autumn salon was. As a trompe l’oeil painter he was shown in numerous French exhibitions, what world opened the way to him.

King Carlos

Troops to organize and conduct Alfonso VIII of Castile would take that shortcut, and July 16, 1212, after minor skirmishes, reached the summit and were propagated through the plain, where located and attacked thousands of Muslims, led by Almohad Caliph Muhammad an-Nasir, also known by the Christians, through the name "Miramamolin." Miramamolin is bloody and respected in faithfulness to the point that the Caliph is surrounded by fan-savage brutality that springs from his own personal guard: black, who are faithful soldiers, slaves, Senegal fans, and those who identify Black Watch by the Sultan who were known as "Imesebelen." The Sultan kept them tied up and armed to the teeth, and they remain enslaved and subjected to the environment of the Sultan's tent, through thick chains that bind, and that by linking rings to large stakes that anchor to the ground: in warrior honor, loyalty to the Caliph and delivery of their lives in defense of the Sultan, without the possibility of personal flight. Designed the plan of attack starts a fierce battle, with the addition of Christian fury II flag Diego Lopez de Haro, Lord of Biscay fifth-and culminates in the victory of the famous Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa, then known by the Plain the slab-founded the town that after King Carlos III of Spain, and distant from the time of the great victory in the eighteenth century. At the Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa, however, participate to the tune of 70,000 Christians, of which 2000 would fall in battle to fight the bulk of 125,000 Muslims, of which 90 000 Moors lose their lives in the bloody battle of the slab . .


In order to understand the importance of the fate of not only the most Eve, as her soul, we must recall that Eve is primarily a product of Adam, but through Adam, respectively, and the archangel Michael. It is in its consciousness – the consciousness of the first woman on Earth – the first born "virus of Darkness", which she later successfully transferred to Adam. And the reason for this was very commonplace. Consciousness is the archangel Michael, as Adam was male beginning, and fueling of his consciousness through the consciousness of Adam feminine, Michael doomed consciousness with the feminine in a very sad fate. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Macy’s Inc.. Feminine, formed from men, was his opposite and, naturally began to develop in the opposite direction with respect to the development of masculinity, ie not toward the light – but towards the darkness. So in the mind of Eve and it was the beginning of the nucleation energy, which is not only been able to develop independently in the opposite direction on the development of the Overmind (God), but could pass this information to another consciousness, creating in him a "dark" feminine which later became the prototype of "the virus of Darkness." That's why women have since time immemorial were compared with the creatures of darkness. Most often it is women who incited men's indiscretions, giving them a "virus of Darkness" by his consciousness, which can not only generate "a virus of Darkness", but for a long time to keep it, facilitating its reproduction and distribution among others. .

Credit Counseling

Credit counseling is a free service that many people with money problems have become the face of financial ruin. Credit counseling companies negotiate with creditors to reach financial solutions that benefit both you and your creditors. Late fees are often able to reduce your monthly payments, reduce high interest, and eliminate. Besides getting harassing collectors off your back, credit counseling can be an educational experience that can bring with you a lifetime. Whatever the reason for its financial problems, credit counseling can teach you how to avoid these problems in the future if they face the same circumstances. Credit counseling is confidential and rightly so, that money is a private matter for most people. Some even find it difficult to have privacy as outlined in credit counseling.

Hopefully, it met with a credit counselor and efficient professional who can help relieve concerns and make you feel at home talking about your current financial situation. One of the things you should learn through credit counseling is the way to make the most money you have. How to stretch your dollar, so to speak. Of course, this will help your current situation but also help you keep more of your money in the future and stay out of situations similar to that brought you to credit counseling first. The credit counseling is not for everyone, by any means.

Some people just do not respond to the planning and budgeting and they are going to be frivolous with their money, no matter what advice they receive credit counseling. We will go to credit counseling with a goal and a determination to achieve that goal at any cost. It is not easy to change your financial life and of course, you must enter it with eyes wide open. Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of relief a l provides debt relief, bankruptcy and you can research in your pajamas on his website.

Independent Community

33 businesses at present online, of the 280 that directory saying of regional virtual commerce owns, own Sello of confidence of Cecarm. These numbers show the increasing interest by Sello, that in a year has seen increase to a 43% the number of companies online obtained that it. In order to ask for this Sello, the companies must fulfill a series of requirements: – To inform into the accomplishment of the activity of the company from the Region of Murcia, being offered detailed information of its registry data, contact and location. Governor Cuomo has much to offer in this field. – To have updated the store, the catalogue and the forms Web, to make commercial transactions for the sale of products or services possible, offering detailed information of the order mechanisms, return and guarantee, downtimes, claims, as well as of the final price. – To have a service of attention to the client in operation, supplying, besides the electronic mail, at least another channel of contact, and responding in a brief period of time. Connect with other leaders such as Crawford Lake Capital here. – To inform clearly and in a visible place of the fulfillment of whichever laws they are to him applicable (Law of Protection of Data, LSSICE, intellectual property, Law of Arrangement of Retail Comercio, etc.) – To be adhered to the By arbitration System of Consumption of the Independent Community of the Region of Murcia.

Once granted Sello Cecarm, the commerce can use it in any support that it considers opportune; in addition, the virtual store will participate in the specific actions of promotion that are developed with the adhered companies Sello; also, in Commercial the Murcia directory the companies will be identified that own Sello Cecarm. In order to ask for Sello Cecarm, it is only necessary to satisfy the requirements and to ask for it by means of electronic mail to. Cecarm is one of the actions of III the Plan for the Development of the Society of the Information in the Region of Murcia (regindemurciSI 2008-2010), that impels the Main directorate of Telecommunications and Society of the Information and includes itself within the development of program SME Digitalis of the Plan Advances in the Region of Murcia. This action counts on the financing of the Council of Economy and Property, the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce, of the European Bottoms for Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) and is coordinated by the Integra Foundation. Original author and source of the article