SAS LIFE Contract

Soon after, it displays a brief story on the specific case presented the decurrent incidents of the safe from life in analysis, demonstrating the importance of the safe from life for the classroom of the military officers, analyzing, still, the general and state legislation applicable, beyond proving the legality of the insurance contracted for the State of the Paraba next to the insuring company, as well as the legality of the discountings effected and gained for this, not having any right of the insured in recovering the deducted values, exactly that they have not revealed agreement with regard to the act of contract and the discountings. Finally, it brings decisions pronounced for the Judiciary paraibano, with different agreements, debating them to prove the inexistence of right to the insured, how much to the restitution of values in the intended molds, for observance to the legal devices and applicable principles of right to the case. Search, thus, to give orientation on which the laws and the forms of its application in the case concrete. Word-key: Civil liability. Contracts.

Safe from life in group. State of the Paraba. Safe south America. PMPB. INTRODUCTION the present monographic research has for objective the study of the decurrent responsibility of the contractual relations, in special, in the insurance contract, taking for base the specific case of the contract of safe from life contracted for the State of the Paraba before the company Sul Amrica Seguros de Vida Previdncia s.a. – SAS LIFE, for the integrant ones of the Military Policy of this exactly been – PMPB. The boarded subject however is inserted in the scope of the Civil law, which in general contains pioneering norms in the regulation of the responsibility and contracts, amongst them, of insurance, with brief quarrel in the scope of the Right of the Consumer, despite with the advent of the Code of Defense of Consumidor (CDC), in 1990, the securitria activity is being focused, also, under its optics.

Danielle Guedes Gouva Pear

Monograph (Graduation in Administration) University Center of Joo Person? UNIP. SUMMARY the enterprise social responsibility if has become a subject each more present time in the world of the companies, had to the fact of being a subject that has the ability to propitiate favorable changes in the search for the social and ambient development. The society in general searchs chances of offered growth not only for the government, but for the private sector, that comes reaching an expressive level of importance in this aspect. Western Union has plenty of information regarding this issue. The companies who if find responsible socially for the best quality of life of the human being and that if they do not close for the capitalist side, aiming at only the profit, but that they look for to satisfy the necessities human beings, at the same time where they fight the negative factors that intervene with the development of the environment and the future generations, possess chances of better if detaching in the market, fidelizando customers. This research approaches the subject: The social responsibility in the enterprise context: the Salutte case, possessing the objective to analyze the contribution of the enterprise social responsibility for the development of the company, being had as research question to verify if the Salutte restaurant can contribute for significant a social growth, through the projects of social responsibility, favoring its proper survival. For in such a way, a research of field in the internal environment of the company was carried through, through application of questionnaire with the employees and an interview with the manager of the organization. The gotten results had confirmed the contribution of the enterprise social responsibility for the company, being, these, satisfactory, a time that had answered to the objectives considered in this work.

JIPM Losses

Figure 2 – Diagram of the 6 great losses Source: Adapted of internal document of the ArcelorMittal Inox Brazil the development of the TPM for all company it was presented by the JIPM in 1989, as TPM of third generation, passing the focus for the production system and not only more the equipment. The objective started to be the performance in the eight main losses in the equipment (imperfections, losses for preparations and adjustments, loss for answer sheet change, loss for inicializao, losses for lesser stops and inactivity, loss of speed, losses for defects and retrabalhos and loss for idle time), in the five losses for human factors (loss caused for the administration, loss of operational mobility, loss of line organization, logistic loss of and loss for measurements and adjustments) and three losses of resources of the production (loss caused for matrices, tools and answer sheets, loss of energy and loss of technology). From 1999, the JIPM works with TPM of fourth generation, that must be implemented in all the organization, involving the functions of the headquarters of the company, sectors commercial, of research and development, etc. Acts in the management strategy, with focus in the general system of the company, and with main objective to eliminate the twenty great main losses. ' ' It has three main reasons for which the TPM if spread out so quickly in the Japanese industry and now the same is happening with the whole world: it guarantees drastic results, it transforms the work places visibly and raises the level of knowledge and capacity of the production workers and manuteno' ' as Suzuki (PALM and TENRIO, 2002). 3.1.Pilares of the TPM As said by Yamaguchi (2005), for the elimination of the 6 great losses of the equipment, the 8 assigned following activities are implemented as ' ' 8 pillars of sustentation of the development of TPM' ' (figure 3), considered for the JIPM.

Private Services

What the Technological Development and the Administrative Techniques Have in common With the Area of Services? The area of services comes trying an excellent growth in the modern world, has seen the expressive ones resulted reached in the decade (2000/2010) in countries as U.S.A. (66%), Canada (68%) and the United kingdom (65%). E, in the last five years, the participation of the companies of services in the composition of PIB (Produto Interno Bruto) Brazilian comes frightfully growing, reaching in 2009 the 55% total. Parallel, the income to per also catches evolved sufficiently in this period and this was determinative for the growth of the proper services, therefore its base of demand in Brazil if concentrates in the people with disposal and resources here to spend. Some scholars believe that the technological development and the modern techniques of Administration would be main the responsible ones for the unemployment in the industrial sector of the country, a time that if demands each time more qualification of candidates to a vacant in this sector. The consequence of this movement would be the expressive growth of the area of services, which not yet demands as much qualification thus. However, the increase of the industrial productivity? resultant of the successful managements with techniques of modern Administration? it can bring enormous benefits for the sector of services and this can be transferred to the costs of the proper services, become them each time cheaper and competitive.

These two aspects? Technological innovations and Modern Administration? they had always benefited decisively the industry of consumption good and, in recent years, it can be observed some transferences of these knowledge for the sector of services. Thus we can perceive some shy increases of productivity in the scope of the Brazilian public services, improving the efficiency of some state-owned companies. On the other hand the evident increase of the income of the Brazilian, the reduction of infantile mortality, the increase of the life expectancy and the proper one physical increase of our population contributes to more increase the demand for and new services? private public and. Ahead of this, for the next decades can be foreseen a situation that will characterize for the increase of the unemployment in the industries and expressive vacant increase in the companies of services? public and private. Being thus the public services they would have to use the concepts above cited, in the measure where the monopoly in some sectors of the Brazilian economy does not guarantee economic privileges to them. E, in consequence of this the state-owned companies would have to improve its efficiency and quality in the attendance of the necessities of the users of its services.

Internet Consumers

University center of Belo Horizonte? UNIBH Pr-reitoria of After-graduation, Research and Extension Course of Specialization ‘ ‘ Broad Sensu’ ‘ in Marketing and Communication the ATTITUDE OF the CONSUMERS IN RELATION TO the USE OF the SOCIAL MEDIAS IN the INSTITUTIONS Matheus Siqueira de Castro Belo Horizonte, 27 of October of 2010. SUMMARY the Internet is an environment of strong growth, with still unexplored markets. Some companies have used of these data to develop strategies to enter in this field. The most used they are the social medias, but, she will be that the organizations really interact with the form customers that add values. The market moved sufficiently throughout years.

The behavior of the consumers is different. They have claims, and them they will demonstrate insatisfaes. The organization that not to know to manage these problems can provoke the dissatisfaction on the part of the consumers. The companies need ideas and attitudes to minimize the negative consequences. Words keys: Social medias; Behavior; Relationship; Internet; Values.

1 INTRODUCTION the present work has the objective to present, the attitude of the consumers in relation to the use of the social medias in the institutions. The research was of exploratrio character and deals with subjects gifts in organizations. The Internet is a market with sufficient growth potential. Mainly in Brazil, where already this evolution is sufficiently clear; I praise to the winds that Brazil is optimum country to invest in Internet. The number of the base of subscribers of broad band grows incredible 10% to the year? one of the crescimentos greaters of the world -, and we are having gradual a good penetration in the classrooms less favored .

Rio Grande

In this direction the incorporation of the technology in the taking of decisions became necessary, as well as the formation of regional blocks of commerce, that had made with that the State reappeared exerting functions as support of the technological and innovative structure. However, the adoption of politics of industrial and technological development must be pointed out that, must be rooted in the national company who possesss the paper of main articulador element of the development in the new paradigm, where joint actions of public and private partnership opens fans of chances in new products and processes. in this context of reorganization of the economy in the 90 years Accurso (2000), presents in its workmanship as such process reverberated in the economy Gaucho, being that the state in the decade enclosed a population of 10 million inhabitants and represented the fourth economy of the country. The author analyzed the sectors more boosters of the economy Gaucho that were the farming one, that in the period came facing decurrent problems of the widening of the national border agricultural, with the expansion of the farmings in the Center-West; the transformation industry, finally analyzed the sector of services that got an expansion in the period. Observing the taxes of growth of the GIP gaucho in the decade of 90 the author detaches the growth of the state biggest that the national taxes, representing 7.5% in the national economy, occupying the room place in ranking of the economies in the Country. However the performance of the economy gaucho having as reference the GIP and the per capita GIP and comparing with the too much states discloses a relative loss of dynamism, but not enough to restrict its future. When analyzing the performance of the farming gaucho in years 90, evidences a lesser dynamism in the comparison with the one of the too much states, where the Rio Grande Do Sul had an inferior growth of 2.2% a.a to the main states, however, it was remained in the second position in the national total, only behind So Paulo.


4 Responsibility of the Collaborator the effect of the employment-related accidents are innumerable and negative and extremely onerous. Directly the rough worker its family suffers the biggest damages, therefore beyond to run death risk, the accident can leave sequelas and the disability for work. It fits to the collaborator to fulfill the disposals legal of the CLT- Art.158 that guides the responsibilities of the same ones: Art. 158 – It fits to the employees: I – to observe the norms of security and medicine of the work, also the instructions that deal with item II of the previous article; lI – to collaborate with the company in the application of the devices of this Chapter. Only paragraph – the unjustified refusal Constitutes faulty act of the employee: ) to the observance of instructions forwarded for the employer in the form of item II of the previous article; b) to the use of the equipment of individual protection supplied by the company. In relation to EPI, as much the employer as collaborating the same has relative obligations, one in supplying the equipment and in accordance with instructing the correct use and the other in for the adequate use and conservation the NR-6.6 the 6.7.1: 6.6.

It fits to employer 6.6.1. It fits to the employer how much to EPI: ) to acquire the adequate one to the risk of each activity; b) to demand its use; c) to only supply to the worker approved for the competent national agency in substance of security and the health in the work; d) to guide and to train the worker on the adequate use guard and conservation; e) to substitute immediately, when damaged or embezzled; f) to make responsible for the hygienic cleaning and periodic maintenance; e, g) to communicate to the MTE any observed irregularity. h) to register its supply to the worker, being able to be adopted books, fiches or electronic system.


The handling of the harmful plants is essential for the development of the soy and can be made through diverse methods. It is of basic importance the knowledge of the appropriate period for the accomplishment of this handling, that is, the period which the presence of harmful plants will cause posterior damages (MELO, 2001). The possibilities of handling of the harmful plants in the culture of the soy are diverse. The different forms of handling can more be used separately or in combination of two or, aiming at to the effectiveness, economicidade and praticidade (LEATHER STRAP; REZENDE, 2008). Preventive handling involves the use of pure seeds and programs of reduction of seeds of harmful plants in the period between harvests, by means of practical diverse and of the rotation of cultures.

Cultural handling is made by means of the choice to cultivate, of the population handling and practical fitotcnicas. Mechanized handling is viable economically, since that it has adjusted sizing between the area, to cultivate, the size and the income of the used equipment. Biological handling, in the culture of the soy is associated with the handling chemistry. Chemical handling is used in the culture of the soy, the applications of herbicidas can be made before the sowing, with the incorporation to the ground (PSI) only in the conventional system of sowing; after the sowing, but before the emergency of harmful plants (DAILY PAY) e, after the emergency of the harmful plants and the culture (AFTER) (FERRI; ELTZ; KRUSE, 1998). In the conventional system, the control of the harmful plants before the sowing of a culture is effected by mechanical operations (arao and gradagens), to the step that, in the direct sowing, by the no-revolvimento of the ground, the harmful plants gifts are eliminated by means of the desiccant herbicidas. The expenditures with herbicidas are bigger in the system of direct sowing of what in the conventional; however, the expenditures with the agricultural operations are substantially bigger in the conventional system.

The Collection

For better clarifications concerning its legal basement for use of the 0 variable, we have Law 4,320/64, whose article 30: ' ' Art. 30. The estimate of the prescription will have for base the demonstrations the one that if relates the article previous, to the collection of the three last exercises, at least, as well as the circumstances of conjunctural order and others, that can affect the productivity of each source of receita.' ' Of this form, in what it says respect to the Law of Bankruptcy and Recovery of Company, we detach the boarded subject, second: ' ' Art. 12. The prescription forecasts will observe the norms legal techniques and, will consider the effect of the alterations in the legislation, the variation of the index of prices, the economic growth or any another excellent factor and will be folloied of demonstrative of its evolution in last the three years, of the projection for the two following to that one the one that if to relate, and of the methodology of calculation and premises utilizadas' ' To the step that if it estimates prescriptions to be carried through in the companies, as well as in them determine the detached devices above, perceive the necessity of if always making a verification in what it refers to the entrance and exit of a company.

Of this form, the patrimonial rocking appears as support for this purpose. Rank that the temporary balance sheet if to present as the administrative register of acts and facts together with the applied accounting. The meeting of all is understood for patrimonial rocking the exercises carried through in one determined period of time inside of a company. Generally, this is created in the last day of its fiscal exercise. However, if it includes the assets and liabilities, of form to indicate the liquid value of its business. It serves as half comparative with the too much years of account of the company, in order always to search new objectives, reaching different goals to each exercise.