In this direction the incorporation of the technology in the taking of decisions became necessary, as well as the formation of regional blocks of commerce, that had made with that the State reappeared exerting functions as support of the technological and innovative structure. However, the adoption of politics of industrial and technological development must be pointed out that, must be rooted in the national company who possesss the paper of main articulador element of the development in the new paradigm, where joint actions of public and private partnership opens fans of chances in new products and processes. in this context of reorganization of the economy in the 90 years Accurso (2000), presents in its workmanship as such process reverberated in the economy Gaucho, being that the state in the decade enclosed a population of 10 million inhabitants and represented the fourth economy of the country. The author analyzed the sectors more boosters of the economy Gaucho that were the farming one, that in the period came facing decurrent problems of the widening of the national border agricultural, with the expansion of the farmings in the Center-West; the transformation industry, finally analyzed the sector of services that got an expansion in the period. Observing the taxes of growth of the GIP gaucho in the decade of 90 the author detaches the growth of the state biggest that the national taxes, representing 7.5% in the national economy, occupying the room place in ranking of the economies in the Country. However the performance of the economy gaucho having as reference the GIP and the per capita GIP and comparing with the too much states discloses a relative loss of dynamism, but not enough to restrict its future. When analyzing the performance of the farming gaucho in years 90, evidences a lesser dynamism in the comparison with the one of the too much states, where the Rio Grande Do Sul had an inferior growth of 2.2% a.a to the main states, however, it was remained in the second position in the national total, only behind So Paulo.