Nelson Oliveira

The canarinha defeated Portugal in the final of the World Cup of the category (3-2). After a 2010 World and an America’s Cup new generations more than disappointing, puppy face to quote from 2014, when Brazil organize the World Cup. After a disappointing World Cup and a Copa America which ended in a shameful manner, failing all releases of penalty shootout, the victory of the u-20 Brazil opens a path of hope in the South American country. The selection that has won more world cups in history, with nothing less than 5, has now two tournaments without passing quarter end, something that hurts and many in the country feel more passion for football. World Cup 2014 in Brazil, is the primary objective since the selection of Dunga was eliminated by the Netherlands in the quarterfinals in South Africa. Hand Menezes was elected coach and its mission is to build a team that reaches the appointment within three years with guarantees for reconquering the throne world.

Several of the young people who were emerging in the Brazilian, such as Neymar and goose national leagues, they are already rrencia players in the new combined canarinho, but now the selection sub 20 has shown that there are several more who can join the project of Menezes. Oscar, the hero of the final in the final against Portugal, the hero of the night in Bogota was Oscar, author of three goals from the team led by Ney Franco 5, 78 and 111 minutes. The Portuguese fueled their hopes of reaching the third title with Alex bullseyes in minute 9 and Nelson Oliveira in 59. The first Brazilian goal came from a lack executed by Oscar. Amid the tumult in the area the franc auction ended touching the head of Nelson Oliveira and goalkeeper Mika resigned themselves to pick up the ball in the back of the net for the first time in the tournament.

Symphony Orchestra

Taibo has said in recent days it has received alarming signs of smoke, as the public statements of the Mayor, Carmen Moriyon (of Asturias Forum), which has looked to the Black week something very expensive municipal coffers. This is a festival dirt cheap, Taibo has secured, and to justify it has disseminated a study of economic impact commissioned an external audit, whereby reverts 13 euros for every euro of subsidy, with a volume of activity of almost 11 million euros. Gijon, on the cultural map the impact that the festival has had in the media around the world, in which the word Gijon has appeared not associated to any catastrophe but a literary festival, would have a higher value to 2 million euros, in the case that the City Council had to pay for it, said. Also it has rrido to the rector of the University of Oviedo, Vicente Gotor, which has been opposed to the festival will be held in a municipal plot next to the University campus, which has been encircled with fences. Taibo has recalled that after ten days of celebration the fence of the ignominy has been pristine, even graffiti artists who looked with love have tainted it, which shows that the semaneros are not that uncivilized peat believes the Lord rector. Ironic tone, it has asked that the University cooperate in future editions by organizing workshops and conferences on campus, and a Congress of historians of prestige, and that rather than spend 70,000 euros in fences you hire the Symphony Orchestra of Vienna to give a free concert. Fewer billboards and more culture, has asked Taibo, however the uncertain situation has fired with the desire for the coming year. Source of the news: La Semana Negra closes with more people, more sales and the same uncertainty about their future.

Photographic Film

Robert Burley Canadian chemist and NXEL GROVE photographer has documented the dismantling of the large factories of Kodak, Agfa and Polaroid. Radical and irrevocable photography paradigm shift has occurred in just ten years, and the author writes an obituary on the death of the chemical film. The disappearance of darkness book collects images of demolitions with explosives factories and the abandonment of family businesses developing and printing of photos. It is a book devoted to drafting, with words and images, an obituary on the death of photography as we knew it until only ten years ago. The radical and irrevocable paradigm shift of the art of obtaining, processing and copying images has been fulminating: digital photography has defeated and virtually erased from map to traditional techniques based on the chemical film in just ten years, says the author.

Robert Burley, area coordinator of photography in the Faculty of Arts of image of Ryerson University in Toronto (Canada), is the author of the melancholy farewell. Conveniently, has given the physical book, analog The Dissappearance of Darkness: Photography at the End of the Analog Era (the disappearance of darkness: the picture at the end of the analog era). It just came out of the printing press and publishing house Princeton Architectural Press distributes it. Touch, smell, moved the author, who is also a well-known photographer dedicated to the study of the relationships between nature, architecture and cities, acknowledges in the preface of the work all over for analog photography. It is clear that the dark, chemical and physical type of photography that I lived during the first half of life will not survive until the second. My experience taking photographs, which involved not only see, but also to touch, smell and move around dark rooms with trays full of chemical baths and safety lights, extinguished. It has been replaced by instruments electronic, that allow me to, although some would say that they oblige me, manipulate intangible data on a bright screen, it adds.