Sociological Research

According to a report of the Spanish Observatory of Racism and the Xenophobia, that aims at a change in the image of immigration due to the economic crisis. He concludes that the Spaniards consider that the immigrants are the group ” more protegido” , that perceives more than they contribute and that they monopolize the aid. Four of each ten Spaniards are in favor of expelling the immigrants who are in unemployment situation during long time and 80% almost think that ” is a number; excesivo” or ” elevado” of foreigners in Spain. They are numbers that come off the report elaborated by several experts at the request of the Spanish Observatory of Racism and the Xenophobia, of the Ministry of Work and Immigration, that analyzes the data picked up by the Sociological Research center at the end of 2009 on the attitudes towards immigration in Spain.

The data of the report continue the tendency registered already during 2008. The Spaniards consider that the immigrants they are the group ” more protegido” , that perceives more than they contribute and that they monopolize the aid, mainly the students, and it continues itself attributing responsibility to them in the deterioration of the quality of the sanitary attention and the education. The report reflects that there have been no variations in the appreciation of the diversity that contributes immigration, although have raised the acceptance of the expulsion of a student to take Islamic veil and have backed down the disposition to that they maintain his culture and its customs. The authors give the change in the image of immigration to the economic crisis and notice that she has a greater incidence in the population groups that more are exhibited to the competition in the labor market.


Want to earn lots of money, learn and enjoy life with the most wonderful and beloved man, to act effectively and confidently in various situations. But what way? The reasons may be different, but after all, usually is – fear. Fear of acquaintance with the liked man in the street, to hold responsible the negotiations, to ask (demand) higher wages, start your own business, to pass an important exam, refuse to do things that do not like to admit their feelings, stop listening to useless, advice and begin to live a new, successful and happy. With the fear of not have to fight him, for a start, it is useful to understand. It is unlikely that you 'll punch your head wall, which is on your path, because there is always a door, but if a person does not realize, he continues to break into the wall, and sometimes humbled, stop, sit down and just waiting for someone faster destroyed, he or wall.

So time passes. By midlife, many remember how many had an opportunity to find a worthy partner in life, to procreate, to create a business, make money, dissertations, learn foreign language, see the world, etc. But the barrier wall of fear is not allowed to go forward to success. Fear is created quickly, often in childhood, but it's great, it also can quickly disappear. Sometimes, by simply act, for example, to do what scared – come and meet, often need to apply special knowledge, exercises, technique. After all, there are no problems to be solved is not there just not made decisions.

Learn how to stop being afraid and begin to live successfully. Techniques for working with the fear of simple and do not require much advance preparation, are performed quickly and gives instant results. Enough to master once, and you will be able to further their own applied without recourse to strangers. The training is 80% of the practical tasks and exercises that will allow you to learn to use techniques to work with fear in one evening. Good tools will last life. Moreover, the fear can help, be a source of energy that we must learn to manage. Then from the enemy the fear to become a friend. You can be a real expert to know a lot of information to be able to apply it in their Indeed, but it does not succeed. If there is a feeling that something does not work, somewhere wrong, somehow wrong, then perhaps prevent terror, to recognize it or not, but no less harmful, instead of bringing the success of failure. Benefit those who know that the main obstacles are not in the circumstances and difficult life, but inside the person, his fear started to change something. Are you ready?

APECIH Research

The research was carried through in the Hospital and Maternity Ours Mrs. of Lourdes. 5.3. Ethical and Legal aspects of the Research the supplied data will be used solely for ends of scientific research, respecting the ethical aspects, as Health department says resolution 196/96 of the National Advice of the Health/, that approaches the research involving human beings. 6. FINAL COSIDERAES For the displayed one are observed that the precocious infection in the neonatal period continues being a pathology of difficult clinical and laboratorial diagnosis, although the innumerable works carried through with this purpose. The manuscript of these just-born is dificultoso and tends to be superdimensionado front to the gravity and evolution of the illness. The indiscriminate antibiotic use can generate disastrous situations for the bacterial resistance.

Front to this situation, becomes imperative the recognition of the just-been born ones that they present greater risk to develop infection. Being thus, it fits to the nursing to identify precociously the signals that can indicate a neonatal episode of sepse, with the purpose to exert of adequate form its paper as professional of health destined to the integral cares with the patients.