APECIH Research

The research was carried through in the Hospital and Maternity Ours Mrs. of Lourdes. 5.3. Ethical and Legal aspects of the Research the supplied data will be used solely for ends of scientific research, respecting the ethical aspects, as Health department says resolution 196/96 of the National Advice of the Health/, that approaches the research involving human beings. 6. FINAL COSIDERAES For the displayed one are observed that the precocious infection in the neonatal period continues being a pathology of difficult clinical and laboratorial diagnosis, although the innumerable works carried through with this purpose. The manuscript of these just-born is dificultoso and tends to be superdimensionado front to the gravity and evolution of the illness. The indiscriminate antibiotic use can generate disastrous situations for the bacterial resistance.

Front to this situation, becomes imperative the recognition of the just-been born ones that they present greater risk to develop infection. Being thus, it fits to the nursing to identify precociously the signals that can indicate a neonatal episode of sepse, with the purpose to exert of adequate form its paper as professional of health destined to the integral cares with the patients.