Mexican Seen

The perception of violence in response to the evils which brings poor governance society varies from person to person, not only because these are individuals, if not because count with specific characteristics who touched them to load, that imposed them or that of one form or another won them; so a businessman in whose around only extends his empire, a housewife who lives only the happiness of his home, priests and parishioners who come to poverty as an act of God, never expecting some kind of violence by the oppressed sectors. Otherwise, are these groups that generate it; they are the poor, the marginalized, the excluded, causing a Government that should be his world of peace and tranquility. It is very easy to swallow this; everywhere we see messages that violence generates more violence, only that seen upside down: the violence with which begin the oppressed and the violence with which the Government is obliged to respond to them. However, opening her eyes and putting our minds in the land of this country (because we have them toes, all suffer the ravages of a bad Government although many want to seem immune) we will realize how necessary and logical is violence in response to the humiliation, oppression, hunger, fear, insecurity, to despair, to all that what is seen under a Mexican by the simple fact of being here. Of course violence that cries out for social justice is necessary and ethical. We already live in a country eaten by this; I am not referring to executed, slaughtered and others; I refer to those who are victims of violence since they give a first break in this country, for lack of medicines, home, food, etc. that are denied. Of course, then as they say: violence generates more violence..


Fishing for carp – it's not just recreation or a hobby, not a free pastime – a way of life. So, knowing the opponent's face – you are half way to overcoming it. In general, the carp – fish, fertile, and schooling rather 'sociable'. In Russia, it also called 'Corop' (in some languages this name is still preserved). In addition, the carp – fish is very tasty, it also happens a variety of sizes – captured carp to weigh 16 kg! But such instances (16 kg) is usually live apart from the pack, so you're lucky and catch him just lucky. Now we need to figure out what kind of place to choose for fishing? A place where you can catch the biggest carp and then talk about it to children (his wife, grandchildren, your neighbors – underline), or at least think about it. I think we can not explain that each fishing spot, each body of water, in their own specific. And each has a favorite spot of the fish.

If in a place where you going to catch a carp, is overgrown with water lilies, in which the fish can not only hide from predators, but also a hearty lunch, do not hesitate to go there – without a catch home do not come back! Also, he is not averse to frolic on the sandy shallows, especially now, when at last came the warm summer evenings. If you went fishing in a big pond, there must be small islands that are just a dining table for fish (Island vegetation that helps). Yet, according to an avid fisherman, the best carp fishing in coastal areas with vegetation from various wells and snags. Early in the morning and evening to feed the carp like the shore. Well, the carp, we now know all we need now only remains to choose the 'weapon' by which he can not get away from us, as if he tried! Bouse for carp – a tricky business (the same as the East), therefore, selecting rods for carp, be guided by his own feelings that you experience on a fishing trip. Still, do not forget one little rule that the power of the rod corresponds to the weight of cargo and more + half an ounce. If you decide to seriously 'win' this battle carp, then please be specific forged hooks with a small ring of black or brown.

And remember that the diameter, which are the baits for carp and fish size (approx.) must match the size of the hook. If you intend to catch 5-pound carp, then do not waste your time for less! To do this you need a special gear, which should be well adjusted, and that able to withstand the tug of your sacrifice. Also, do not forget that I mentioned above, a large carp not found in shallow, so the place he chooses too relevant. If you go on a fishing trip on the boat, the bait for carp should be in the mantle, which is attached to the trough near the nose (the stern). Well, now you are fully prepared and know how to catch carp! Now you have every chance of success! In extreme cases, you will spend a good time – she and fishing!

WATER Stories

A cradle is balanced by a woman seated in a bank. It cantarola baixinho songs to sing to sleep while boceja. In the soil, it has a mattress and in it sleeps another bigger child; it still has a seted empty old net. Weak rain sounds falling on the roof of casinha are heard. The woman if raises, goes until an adobe vase great with a mug drinks the dark water in contained it.

She walks until its net, she lies down yourself, she has better covered the child who sleeps under itself and erases the weak flame already of a lampio that if finds on of a can of turned ink, an improvised support. A meldica and soft breeze covers the blackout of the scene, until, after a flash, brusquely is interrupted by a thunder. All wake up, the baby initiate one cry scared, to another child are of foot quickly and hug the mother with fear, it lull to sleep this and start to sing again for that one, forcing a whisper and saying: – Calm, calm, already it goes to pass, mother ' ' you ' ' here, calm! The flashes continue they increase, as well as the thunders, the shouts of the baby, the apelos of the child, the desperation of the mother. After some instants, rain alone thickens and a leak if it fixes in the residence. – It looks at, mother! – points the boy? Rain ' ' you ' ' entering! – Calm, son, catches ' ' cocho' ' , he takes off of the soil, boot in the net! The boy fold with easiness the fine mattress, that more seems a thick blanket of bachelor, and places inside of the net, while the mother turns the can ink she places and it under the hole to aparar the nugget that fall inconvenient.