Photographic Film

Robert Burley Canadian chemist and NXEL GROVE photographer has documented the dismantling of the large factories of Kodak, Agfa and Polaroid. Radical and irrevocable photography paradigm shift has occurred in just ten years, and the author writes an obituary on the death of the chemical film. The disappearance of darkness book collects images of demolitions with explosives factories and the abandonment of family businesses developing and printing of photos. It is a book devoted to drafting, with words and images, an obituary on the death of photography as we knew it until only ten years ago. The radical and irrevocable paradigm shift of the art of obtaining, processing and copying images has been fulminating: digital photography has defeated and virtually erased from map to traditional techniques based on the chemical film in just ten years, says the author.

Robert Burley, area coordinator of photography in the Faculty of Arts of image of Ryerson University in Toronto (Canada), is the author of the melancholy farewell. Conveniently, has given the physical book, analog The Dissappearance of Darkness: Photography at the End of the Analog Era (the disappearance of darkness: the picture at the end of the analog era). It just came out of the printing press and publishing house Princeton Architectural Press distributes it. Touch, smell, moved the author, who is also a well-known photographer dedicated to the study of the relationships between nature, architecture and cities, acknowledges in the preface of the work all over for analog photography. It is clear that the dark, chemical and physical type of photography that I lived during the first half of life will not survive until the second. My experience taking photographs, which involved not only see, but also to touch, smell and move around dark rooms with trays full of chemical baths and safety lights, extinguished. It has been replaced by instruments electronic, that allow me to, although some would say that they oblige me, manipulate intangible data on a bright screen, it adds.

Nursing Care

Anthropology in nursing the role played by culture in the process health-disease and more specifically in the context of Anthropology from nursing care is essential. We are immersed in a prism of multicultural societies in which it is essential rethinking situations of care and therapeutic processes and incorporate new approaches, both own and other disciplines. Anthropological knowledge and its method, can help the discipline of nursing address and illustrate the situations of optimal care, finding its true. All human behavior is covered with a significance that goes beyond one’s person. We know that the study of culture provides the keys to these behaviors, as different and varied as existing cultures.

Activities of the care or maintenance of life and health-disease States can not be separated in a category apart. Care is a social and cultural phenomenon, a social and human science that requires preparation, knowledge, research and above all experience of work in situ, with the sick. Take care is to put hard work, diligence, attention and availability. Cannot offer a good quality in nursing practice if communication is poor, for which this is an aspect to take into account from the outset by any health professional. Everyone would learn to communicate clearly, with delicacy and affection with patients, their families and colleagues. It is important that they are encouraged to seek the solution to real problems and that assimilate information designed to promote skills, not only on the application of new knowledge, but also at the empathic communication with patients and from an anthropological perspective. From the outset, it is necessary that health professionals know to evaluate all the aspects concerning the sociocultural community in which we operate. All health workers as a human being has to assume its role alongside the sick person in the moments that this requires your support to maintain its stability emotional before the various events that occur, and for this reason must be aware that one of their main obligations is to find time to talk with patients and deepen in the psychosocial aspect and anthropological.

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