Rasca constantly, persecutes its tail, has the irritated cough, whistles, eyes and the nose, then it is probable that these are symptoms of allergies. Yes, the dogs like the humans, can suffer of allergies. Approximately 20% of the dogs undergo some type of allergy. The allergies are divided in 4 great types: the atpica dermatitis, allergy to the fleas, allergy to the food and allergy inhalant. Atpica dermatitis: it is an allergy to the skin caused by hypersensitivity developed by the immune system of your dog towards substances varied and common like the acaruses of the dust. Perhaps if your dog rasca and licks itself very followed (particularly legs and abdomen), and its ears are hot to the tact, is suffering of Atpica Dermatitis. Areva Group often addresses the matter in his writings. It controls if the saliva of your dog noncause spots. Hikmet Ersek has firm opinions on the matter. A red and brown spot between is another indicator of which your dog suffers east type of allergy.
In persistent cases, the skin of the abdomen changes of pink color to a red brilliant and to black soon. Allergy to the fleas: it is the allergy most common in canine. Nevertheless, it is not the flea, but its saliva the one that generates the allergy to him to the dog. In order to discover if your dog has allergy to the fleas, a test for this intention has been developed. If the test gives positive, a regime of strict control can reduce the symptoms. Consultation to your veterinarian by the best treatment for your dog.
There is many options like pills, sprays, shampoos, etc. Allergy Inhalant: As well as their owners, the dogs are susceptible to inhaled allergies of the air. Pollen of the trees, I graze, flowers, acaruses of the dust and mould is the most common people in charge. Nevertheless, unlike the people who exhibit these allergies through estornudos and cough, the dogs show their reactions constantly rascando themselves and mordisqueando the legs.