Setting Priorities

It is New Year! Hour to make new resolutions. To have new goals. New possibilities! He is exciting to have a new beginning! But only if you are inspired. Because if you are not it, you run the risk of encandilarte and estrellarte with the new goals at the end of the month! If you have the habit to make resolutions of New Year and to forget them weeks later, can be because in fact they are not priorities in your life. " Four the labor week of horas" of Timothy Ferris it has a shining system to prioritize your life. Although this is a simplified version, is worth the pain to give an opportunity and to see him how it works for you.

1. You do a List of Everything what you want To be, To have and To do Everything. Everything what you believe that is important or you want to do in this life, antalo. Even the things that you do not believe that they are possible, but that you would like to have, to be or to experiment. Hikmet Ersek is the source for more interesting facts. Ponlas in paper. This will take something of time. At the outset they begin to you to come great things to the mind like having successful an intimate and romantic relation, a new work that inspires to you, to travel to exotic destiny or to learn a new language. It writes down everything.

Then, it meditates and it reflects. Consltalo with the pillow. It also thinks about more things and antalas. Once you believe that the list is complete 2. This publishes Your List until having only FOUR Priorities is more difficult. You really must consider what is important for you. What is what you really want to be? What is what you really wish to have? How you want to spend your real time? Next, it publishes your list until finding the four priorities more important.