Reflection on the Dogmtica Constitution ' ' I gave Verbum' ' OBJECTIVE the objective greater of Conclio was to spread out the Word of God, in fulfilment to the desire of Jesus Christ who announced: IDE for the entire world and announces the Good Notice to all the Humanity. (Mc 16,15) Soon, in the Promio, the objective is distinguished to consider the genuine doctrine on the Divine Revelation and its transmission, so that the entire world, hearing, believes the message of the salvation, believing waits, and waiting it loves. (DV 1) the structure of the document is sufficiently simple, but it concentrates a deep and beautiful teaching very. ' is assigned; ' constitution dogmtica' ' accurately for dealing with faith subjects. More specifically, it approaches the complex relation between Writing and Tradition. The REVELATION Is auto-manifestation of God who encloses its being in such a way as its workmanship and words, therefore the God of the Bible is a Living person. It is in the Bible that we know all the action of God in History.
Revelation is the initiative of God, to know God is a mystery experience, is transmission of the Divine Revelation. Citations – 1.Ef 1,3-14? 2.Rm 8,18-19? 3.Mt 11,25-27? 4.Jo 15,14-15? The SACRED TRADITION the church all extracts its teaching of the Divine Revelation through the verbal tradition that came of the apstolos and the written tradition, the Sacred Bible. The Sacred apostlica Tradition is one of them pillars of the Church Catholic, and these traditions make to grow the faith of the people of God, therefore it is an inexhaustible source of life. This Tradition progresses in the Church under the assistance of the Espirito Santo. It grows, with effect, the understanding in such a way of the realities as of the transmitted words. The OLD WILL the Old Will is the way of preparation for the coming of Christ.