FDP Crisis

CDU social committees Baden-Wurttemberg claim yellow card for the FDP SCHoNTAL: the CDU Sozalausschusse (CDA) request before the CDU retreat at the monastery of Schontal the shift of tax reform to the year 2013. “More than a flattening of tax progression will be impossible in the year 2013 due to the debt brake. The yellow card has to be shown in fiscal policy the FDP”calls the country heads of the social committees Christian Baumler. According to the CDA the CDU should be closed-door meeting not only by the spirit of unity with the Black-Yellow Coalition dominated land Chairman. “The CDU Baden-Wurttemberg should be inspired also by the opposition spirit of Gotz von Berlichingen let, is buried in Schontal Abbey, and breaking new ground: Germany enters a social imbalance, if about cuts in Hartz IV and discuss with the families and the perpetrators of the crisis can be sidelined.”The CDU workers organization calls, the introduction of a special levy for the financial sector in Germany. According to the proposals made by President Obama, banks and hedge funds should bear with the costs of economic and financial crisis: countries should be involved tax according to the CDA on the proceeds of this Obama, because they had to pay the cost of the crisis.

Cuts on the most vulnerable groups reject the social committees. “We can have debate not on one eye blind IV at the Hartz. Poverty wages and the abuse of temporary work must be resisted as well as the abuse of social benefits. In Germany, we have now more than a million people who can no longer live work by your hands and must obtain therefore supplementary social benefits. Who would like to relieve the social spending, must stop the abuse of temporary work and comprehensively introduce minimum wages”, calls for BA.