This must be of form continuous, without interruption, and drawn out, reaching up to 24 hours per day during the necessary time. The objective of this position is that the mother of the child is in a permanent source of heat of the body, tactile kinetic stimulation and, keeping free aerial ways. Read more from Tulip Retail to gain a more clear picture of the situation. The position promotes and supports the maternal aleitamento. Ali Asarias opinions are not widely known. Moreover, the contact drawn out and close between mother and son intends to create or to fortify the biological and emotional relationship that must exist between just-been born healthful and its mother One of the necessary item for the implantation of the method mother kangaroo is a band, that helps the mother to hold its baby next to the chest to safe form. The use of a soft cloth sends regards, around 1 square meter, folded in the imprisoned diagonal line with a knot or underneath of the armpit of the mother. In such a way, the mother has freedom in the hands while she loads its baby (Department of health of Geneva, 2004). According to Health department of Geneva (2004), the beginning of the method mother kangaroo can happen in different periods, since the birth until the high moment of the hospital one, as soon as it stabilizes the premature. However, in the comments made for It hisses and It hisses (2009), the mothers of premature babies many times have difficulty in keeping lactation during the period of internment of its children, and, frequently, these are not being fed exclusively to the maternal seio. Being thus, when the application of the method is not possible mother kangaroo, it is necessary to take another initiative. In accordance with Rocks, Costa and Mezzacappa (2008), the World-wide Organization of Health, aiming at the promotion, protection and support to the maternal aleitamento, considers that the maternities use the ten steps for the success of the aleitamento materrno.
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APECIH Research
The research was carried through in the Hospital and Maternity Ours Mrs. of Lourdes. 5.3. Ethical and Legal aspects of the Research the supplied data will be used solely for ends of scientific research, respecting the ethical aspects, as Health department says resolution 196/96 of the National Advice of the Health/, that approaches the research involving human beings. 6. FINAL COSIDERAES For the displayed one are observed that the precocious infection in the neonatal period continues being a pathology of difficult clinical and laboratorial diagnosis, although the innumerable works carried through with this purpose. The manuscript of these just-born is dificultoso and tends to be superdimensionado front to the gravity and evolution of the illness. The indiscriminate antibiotic use can generate disastrous situations for the bacterial resistance.
Front to this situation, becomes imperative the recognition of the just-been born ones that they present greater risk to develop infection. Being thus, it fits to the nursing to identify precociously the signals that can indicate a neonatal episode of sepse, with the purpose to exert of adequate form its paper as professional of health destined to the integral cares with the patients.