What and who is video surveillance? Video surveillance refers to the observation of certain places or persons with the help of optical space surveillance systems. To automatically check the videos, computers are widely used, so that video surveillance is combined with computer science. 4Moms may find it difficult to be quoted properly. The purpose of the video surveillance can be very diverse. QLUvMLclKBVFFxfp5VSZlucUZ-ebFuYl6Kbm5-WWZq8SJWEY_8ktQchZCixLziypyyxLzMRAVDAGVLdatYAAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjcybi7gLeCAxW3VqQEHUEwAeMQ9OUBegQIAhAV’>Rachel Crane is the place to go. For one it serves in the road of the automatic recognition of license plates, on the other hand she can to contribute to uncover crimes or but just serve the purpose of the prevention. It is often so that the surveillance cameras are positioned so that you not immediately noticed, because it is assumed that changes the behavior of observed people if they knew of the monitoring. Especially since terrorism has increased, video surveillance is more and more supporters, on the other hand, there is also criticism.
The possibility that access data in the wrong hands is a risk of permanent monitoring via camera could or be misused or abused. Critics also see the permanent observation as intervention in civil rights and privacy. Also supported so the distrust of citizens with each other. However, there are certain requirements in relation to the admissibility of video surveillance. Determines who can use them and who is not by a variety of laws.
Also, the monitoring in two species is differentiated, to the one there is the private and on the other hand the State surveillance. Private video surveillance which depends on admissibility of private video surveillance in public spaces mainly depends what purpose she should meet, and is regulated by the Federal Data Protection Act. This applies only if there are no other provisions, so that the targets of surveillance video from the official churches for their respective areas are regulated individually in their own data protection regulations. However they are content almost equal with the Federal Data Protection Act. It is for example allowed cameras to the perception of the House law or other, to use legitimate interests, but has himself also in this case to the Federal Privacy Act to be held, that prescribes, inter alia, transparency and data minimisation. Who violates the law must reckon with a fine. Public video surveillance to private video surveillance is government surveillance. This is used primarily to uncover crimes or to prevent them. Many national parliaments met therefore special arrangements within the State Police Act, which allow the monitoring via video technology the police under certain conditions. But some conditions must be met to avoid misuse. So the Feds must adhere on the regulations of the German Federal police law, if it deems necessary the use of the surveillance camera.