Prospering Business

Breadfruit seguire commenting to you but to be able to manage to progress in your new emprendimiento, like in which already you have. As I said in the previous article is of much importance the locations as much of the box as than in you expose, if one is foods must be always in good conditions of cleaning, tries to have always covered them or under glass, never they must be in the open, that is not propitious, if you sell articles to the retail, guardalos in glass bottles transparent, or covered with bells, you do not have them in the open, he is not hygienic, it tries to have them always with good amount, you do not fill them in front of I publish, hazlo when there is not movement, that makes desproligidad and lost time in the attention, if what you sell does not belong to the heading of the feeding, it deals with to have everything ordered, if it is clothes that are by figures, aid as much to the client as, neither wastes time. Returning to the colors, he is advisable the clear ones for nutritional product sale and with painting latex, the one that is brillosa, it is good because the adhesion of the dirt is smaller and grants one it is present at but pulcra. If the branch is another one, serious good you orient yourself in using an agreed color to the logo of the name of your commerce, identifies that it, and thus to use it in the bags, labels, invoices, in front, etc, that estara to your criterion, can be the color that but you like, with which you feel identified, and but preferential one is happened one, uses some fashionable one, but that pleases you when arriving at your business. The aromas, very important subject, if it is food commerce, you do not have to utilzar nothing, only aroma to clean in the floors, with that sera sufficient; if one is another branch, you must be very careful in it, thinks that perhaps what you like to others bothers to them and that makes that they are wanted to retire soon, not utilizes sahumerios of very strong aromas, rather if you wish to perfume it, hazlo with small furnaces placed in place semi hidden, with smooth and floral fragrances, good we will follow in the next article, luck and until the next one.

Systemic Perspective

Coaching with systemic perspective, a new approach of the learning teaching does not exist, only exists the learning from the direct dialogue. Scrates When it was playing better, was not trying to control my blows with car instructions and evaluation. It saw the ball clearly, it chose where it wanted to stick it, and left happened. Surprising, the blows more were controlled when it did not try to control them. Tim Gallwey The vehicle of Kocs: icon of coaching Between centuries XV and XVI the Hungarian city of Kocs, located to about 70 km of Budapest, became shutdown forced for the trips between this city and Vienna. In these trips vehicles with a unique system of suspension began to be used. This system allowed to go to greater speed with more stability. It allowed that the processes of acceleration of the vehicle, to make run more to the horses, to change them with more frequency or to reinforce them, could be realised without losing balance.

Thus, soon it was spoken of the vehicle of Kocs, – kocsi szekr in Hungarian, like Symbol of the excellence in the function to transport people from a place to another one. The term kocsi happened to the Spanish like car, to the German like kutsche, Italian like cocchio. The English term coach, it is therefore of Hungarian origin. Wire drawing by horses meant a covered vehicle in order to transport people. Metaphorically, coaching also transports people from a place to another one. Of the place where they are where they want to go. Being the etimologa of coaching very significant of its function, the symbol of excellence of vehicle of Kocs it can be an icon of coaching.