Spanish Brewery

brewery tours the pros with kolschem equipped! If you have anything before Pentecost make correctly but once so to feel Kolsch. From the inside and from the outside. You will quickly notice Kolsch (colognian) is not only the favorite drink of Cologne, but literally one elixir of life, which reached its highest level in Cologne’s old town. Rheinischem humor with much charm, we lead you on this amusing Brewery tour to the most popular Breweries of the capital of humor. Taste and enjoy the only dialect you can also drink. Left and right on this brewery walk there are typical Kolsches to hear and see. For example did you know that the oldest known German beer belly comes from Cologne? Or the dead guardians of the Archbishop tons of beer received this as a reward? Learn why you can BREW beer in Cologne and has to find a be ICH Chair in a brewery. In addition, meet the main protagonists of the Cologne Brewpubs.

The Kolsch (colognian) rod and the Harlan. Come with us and learn more… Meeting point: Meeting point is the Finial at the Cologne Cathedral. Dates: Daily at 15:30 and 19:00. The leadership of 2-2.5 hours duration.

Individual appointments can be arranged for groups of all kinds, as well as clubs. The duration of the tour can be extended on request any. Individual guided tours: we can arrange for you the perfect guidance of the brewery. Make an individual appointment with us. The maximum number of participants is 25 persons. With larger groups, parallel tours are possible. Price *: included In the price are a palatable Kolsch in each brewery, as well as Amanda tapas in the last brewery. This tour can be booked with or without Amanda tapas. Unbeatable 25.00 euro P.p. with Vishal Tappas and 21,00 euro without Amanda Tappas * foreign languages on request: English, Italian, Spanish, Greek, French, Chinese and of course op Kolsch. Supplement 10,00 euro per hour.