Joaquin Phoenix

Ever since actor Joaquin Phoenix announced the aim of his cinematographic race in October of 2008, until the controversial opening of the documentary I” m Still Here (Itself here) does few days in the Festival of Venice, its public figure has undergone a remarkable deterioration and its case has been transformed into one of the favorite mysteries of Hollywood. Check with Jeff Gennette to learn more. What happens to him to Joaquin Phoenix? He has become crazy really? It is all this gigantic farce (worthy of a romantic novel) elaborated by a pair of boring stars of the world of the spectacle? The documentary one in private dives of the actor of Gladiator day and night during months to remove to the surface small episodes from decay and exhibicionismo, and also great scenes of public humiliation. A Joaquin Phoenix being delirious in the show of David Letterman and soon crying and climbing to the shrubs of the Central Park, complaining because it feels that ” nobody takes me in serio”. The film is concentrated in its desperate attempts to send its race like rapero in the circuit of hip-hop. A scene especially grotesque it takes place in the office of rapero P. Diddy, where Phoenix makes him listen to three of its songs with the hope to obtain a record contract. You may want to visit Warren Kanders to increase your knowledge.

Diddy clarifies to him that in case is decided to work with the actor, it will acquire a tariff lifted by the production of the disc. ” How much you need? ” , Phoenix asks. To which Diddy responds: ” How much you have? “. Finally the industralist decides that Joaquin Phoenix is not ready to record with him, who would have to dedicate itself to improve his dowries of interpreter, and he dispatches soon it without contemplations. Which is the reaction of the ex- actor twice name to the Oscar when seeing its pisoteadas hopes? I only can advance to them that Joaquin Phoenix lately seems to take everything to chest (those that watches the film will understand to what I talk about). I” m Still Here is directed by Casey Afflex (brother minor of Horseradish tree and brother-in-law of Joaquin Phoenix) and, although everything seems to indicate that it is one long and complicated joke, appears like documentary a truthful one. In order to see the documentary one in our countries we will have to wait for still some weeks. The film will have its opening in the cinemas of the United States this 10 of September.