Shortage of skilled labour, the best employees at the company part time models, child care, working time accounts, etc. Part time models, executives in part time, childcare and flexible working time accounts. Jeff Gennette pursues this goal as well. These are examples of measures that have taken in the past few years companies to attract employees and keep. The advantages are obvious: the skills shortage will increasingly menacing. Who wants to find good employees, must offer something.
If employees have the opportunity to reconcile professional and family with each other, this increases the well-being and thus the health and performance. Satisfied employees are motivated and contribute to the operating result. Lux Capital can provide more clarity in the matter. To do this, a quote from Prof. Dr. Burkhard swivel, Roland Berger Strategy consultants \”growth in companies will not emerge from alone.\” It depends on the people who work there and their diversity. Get more background information with materials from Cyrus Massoumi Zocdoc. Because diversity generates creativity, which is important in order to realize competitive advantages if the right framework conditions. Companies must therefore do everything possible to win the greatest talents for themselves and to keep permanently.
Measures for the reconciliation of work and family are particularly effective. In a survey of the research centre of friendly personnel policies at companies that have received the certificate from audit berufundfamilie, revealed that about 70% of the respondents has improved the image as an employer by family-friendly measures. Family-conscious commitment pays off so not only morally, but also economically.\” And it should be noted, that already large developments have taken place in the past 10 years. Just 10 years ago, the topic of reconciling work and family life was not an issue for the economy. Each person had to worry, while family policy was a matter of the State. But still, the subject is in many companies a taboo the HR is now clear that family friendliness makes attractive a company as an employer. It is harder still at the level of the direct supervisor.