First Shots For Tots

In the hospital newborn crumbs vaccinations from two common infections: hepatitis B and tuberculosis. The first vaccine your child will enter in the first 12 hours, and the second – on the third day. This procedure will only healthy babies – weak and premature babies is better to postpone vaccination until the body can not grow up. A related site: Thredup mentions similar findings. If vaccinated against tuberculosis (BCG) Neonatal spend more than one decade, the hepatitis B – a few years. The reason is that Recently, this disease is very common. In order to protect the kids, they make the vaccine in the first 3 days after birth.

And then repeat the vaccination at 1 and 6 months – only when such a scheme, the body will accumulate enough means to reliably protect against disease. BCG is also very important for the kids, because tuberculosis remains a common disease. To infants vaccinated are easier to carry, these days they impose less dose of vaccine than ever before. An important test for the time that the child will spend in hospital, doctors try to figure out whether he had inherent problems, and for this conduct blood tests for hereditary diseases – screening. This analysis reveals the five diseases that must be treated from the earliest days of life: hypothyroidism (a violation in the thyroid gland), cystic fibrosis (disease, because of which suffers from the pancreas and other bodies), fenilke-tonuriyu (malassimilation amino acid phenylalanine, which affects the brain child), adrsnogenitalny syndrome (disturbance of hormone cortisol) and galacto-zemiyu (lack of the enzyme to digest galactose-carbohydrate, which is part of the milk sugar lactose).

For baby screening procedure is quite simple: a child takes blood from the heels, causing a few drops of the special paper and sent to laboratory for testing. Children born in the period, this analysis is performed on a 2-day 4 of life, and those born ahead of schedule – to 7 – 14 days. The results of the screening will go to the clinic, where a child through 2 weeks. If you find that the little there is any problem, parents are called and invited to a specialized genetic center. If a kid is all right, families do not report will be.