Mediumsized Businesses

In its current leading report on global economic prospects, the World Bank predicts that global growth with 3.2 percent more will hasten, as previously assumed. Kreuzlingen, 22 January 2014: A huge opportunity to participate in this growth is produced for export-oriented companies. Now, speed of implementation is required. Who knows how long this phase lasts? For urgent or short-term projects, Manager for the mid-market interim are a quick solution and good investment. Read more here: Macy’s Inc.. But even when it must go fast, quality at the top. “Really good staff is the strongest lever and at the same time the biggest bottleneck”, said Dr. Harald Schonfeld, Board of Directors of the industry association AIMP (Arbeitskreis interim management provider) and Managing Director of butterflymanager GmbH. But just smaller and medium-sized companies looked deliberately on the cost in the years of crisis and are now staffed very slim.

Top engineers and project managers with appropriate expertise in the now upcoming Tasks are available in the market but difficult or with high salary demands in the short term by the competition to pry off. Analog to the increasing use of temporary workers at lower levels, managers in the spotlight back therefore flexible interim. Schonfeld however cautions against Schnellschussen or “Bargain” from the Internet from the perspective of the industry and advises to the conversation with a reputable provider: “the practice shows, that provider is happy to turn when the topic is important and want to be sure the customer that achieved its goals also be Manager with the interim”, so Schonfeld. Professional interim management providers – such as the members of the recognised trade association AIMP – have a carefully evaluated circle of interim managers, they build in the long term as quality aspects and utmost care and nurture. Proposals for appropriate interim manager can be presented so often already after a few days the customer. Butterflymanager alone is more than 10 years in Switzerland, in Germany and Austria on the market and has a pool of about 3500 interim managers as a provider. Among them are alone 778 engineers used in most cases for the bridging of vacancies or for projects.

Bank Schleswig

The guarantee volume of these cases is 17 percent higher than the during the same period of the previous year. Positive annual result of surety bank guarantee Bank had total 3.376 customers as of December 31, 2012. The guarantee volume amounted to 348,55 million euro. After 2011 with 113,000 euros guarantee Bank could expel Schleswig-Holstein for 2012 again a positive net income amounting to 500,000 euro (2010:-1.95 million euro). The 2012 new provisions there are 8.8 million euros compared with releases of 5.2 million euros.

The commitment of all commitments went to 349 million euros (previous year EUR 361 million) back. Equity capital rose to EUR 37.4 million (2011: 36.8 million euro) and significantly increased 37.6 percent of total assets, compared with the previous year. Although the loss payments have increased. In 2012, a total of EUR 9.8 million, amounted to (2011: 8.6 million euro; 2010: 12.3 million euro). The amounts received on written-down claims 2012 amounted to EUR 0.4 million (2011: 0.5 Mio Euro). End of last year had 45 employees at the guarantee Bank Schleswig-Holstein (previous year 44 employees). Outlook 2013 experienced the German economy after the growth years 2010 and 2011 2012 almost a reversal of trend.

While the gross domestic product grew 3.0 percent in 2011, this value 2012 fell to 0.7 percent. In January, the Federal Government assumed that gross domestic product will grow 2013 only have 0.4 percent. The Council of experts predicts in its annual report by March this year 0.3 percent for 2013, while the Kiel Institute for the world economy a growth of 0.6 percent predicts. According to current KfW SME Panel assumes the bulk of the companies by the continued existence of the euro crisis and tackle, however, with forces. The economy is supported by a still strong domestic demand. In the northernmost Federal State the assessment of the future development of the business is still positive: according to the business climate index of the Schleswig-Holstein CCI, 19.3 percent of the entrepreneurs expect an improvement in their situation, 63.2 percent a constant. For the protection of investments of the Schleswig-Holstein economy is even more space in the future: State and federal have extended the guarantees for the guarantee Bank for 2013-2017 and increases the volume of individual guarantees of least Euro 1.0 million on Euro 1.25 million. That means for the company in Schleswig-Holstein: the guarantee Bank can take over immediately more guarantees. Guarantees to reduce the need for equity capital of banks. This helps III in particular in terms of Basel, that financing of SMEs can provide additional funds and the banking industry can continue to build on the risk-sharing with the guarantee Bank and other funding institutions”, as Hans-Peter Petersen, and added: We are happy about our high market penetration and in particular due to the economic conditions of the reached high displacement for the companies in Schleswig-Holstein.”

IDENT AutoID Technology Center

Mobile label printers for laboratory staff to the labelling of laboratory samples in tubes, on slides or vials of label printer LABPAL is a portable device for printing on laboratory labels. Laboratory technician can take everywhere there with the printer, where you must mark your laboratory samples. He is easy to handle and contributes to a quick flag. The device is handy and very stable. Pre-programmed, demand-oriented label sizes for vials, tubes and slides facilitate the creation of labels.

Additional functions, such as the built-in date / time stamp or subject-specific symbols from the laboratory area, support for easy handling when. The 550 g heavy labelling LABPAL equipped with a spacious keyboard, a display and automatic cutting – and power-saving function. The labels designed specifically for the printer and the laboratory environment will be labeled in the thermal transfer printing with a resolution of 300 dpi. The texts are therefore very good clearly, because of the high print resolution sharp printouts are razor revealed. Five font sizes and a multiline printing are the user the choice. LABPAL is set in the banner printing mode and ideally suited for general identification in the laboratory. A continuous numbering system allows the lab technicians to identify highly efficient multiple laboratory samples.

Pales in contrast to handwritten labels or not smeared the print and it fit much more information on a label. The very easy-to-be and again to be removed material cassette contains a continuous, white label tape in the height 9.5 mm, 12.7 mm or 19.1 mm with a length of mostly 6.4 meters. The labels are cut clean and straight with the integrated cutting device. Depending on the scope of label materials are the laboratory staff made of vinyl, nylon fabric or polyester available. In addition, the vinyl labels are available in the colours yellow, Orange, red, blue and grey. Suitable for the respective The corresponding material cartridge Ribbon label materials is already integrated. Thus replacing the material cartridge is designed very simply for the laboratory staff, without additional expenses for the changeover of the Ribbon. The label materials available for the LABPAL are intended for permanent use. The macro IDENT available laboratory labels for the LABPAL were for laboratory use designed to withstand extreme laboratory conditions, such as liquid nitrogen, in hot water or freezer. The labels to withstand the high pressure and temperatures of sterilization, to the removal of dirt and germs (autoclave). In addition, the materials resist most chemicals such as xylene, alcohol, ethanol and DMSO. More information: macro IDENT AutoID Technology Center, Bussard road 24, 82008 Unterhaching, TEL. 089-61565828, FAX 089-61565825,, contact: Angelika Wilke.

Commonplaces Customer

Interestingly, the strict application of the requirements of the ISO standards with other requirements of many customers correlates: privacy. The topic of privacy is not new, is gaining but with increasing trend towards the outsourcing of business-critical data immensely. Dealing with customer data, General and personal data in particular is a subject to which this framework certainly would blow up. However, it can be said that the questions are always deep and detailed, in client meetings. And that is a good thing. An enlightened client is ultimately much more grateful and know elaborate measures to comply with all available privacy policy best to appreciate. This involves not only the minimum requirements of 4 BDSG, but, similar to the ISO certification, a holistic concept which is behind it. State authorities, as well as medium-sized and large customers have understandably very high demands on the business dealing with their sensitive data.

Negative headlines in the media on this subject demonstrate increased sensitivity only in the increased mass in this regard. Here, the zero-tolerance limit applies to serious business provider. It is a legally required and entrepreneurial ordered supervisor to do much more to provide security and to guarantee. Here comes the first mentioned correlation between ISO certification and privacy in the game. On the basis of a consistent quality management a variety of measures can be implement, which not only conform to the privacy, but go far beyond. The complete transparency of all work processes and their logging up to the several times in the year repeating internal audit, which in turn itself is verified, get no room for individual or structural negligence in the provision of the services (including professional customer and staff specific data storage). Here it goes not only to a law-compliant behavior on customer’s request, but rather to the company’s philosophy, who lived in the company. That goes as far as to exclude individual customer segments by the provision of the services offered as far as potential interference can be expected.

This applies especially, if this possible profits must be dispensed with. Such policies also integrate into a QMH and mutate from informal Commonplaces binding instructions where failure to comply may lead to a loss of the ISO standards for the entire company. A chaos not automatically becomes its opposite, just because it is certified. A non-existent company structure may not be certified. A certification according to ISO-standard can be performed only on the basis of existing and appropriate structures. This misunderstanding of the consecutive terms has brought to despair so many businessman. A certification in itself brings no structure, you can authenticate them only at best. Successful quality management is basically in all heads on CRM, customer relationship management, absolute pure form. Because at the end it is only and exclusively to serve the wishes and needs of our customers and partners, as we expect it of ourselves would not only on the day of the award of contracts, but to each other also. Sounds naturally and easily. But if it that would be, then’s can everyone! Nils S. Kaufmann General startup project manager head of quality management centron GmbH