JVC star rose in the firmament of the world in the 80s of last century, when the tsunami rolled over the world under the name of VHS. Then it became, for many, as it were synonymous with the JVC. This is her invention of truth was the best in the amateur environment of the time. Mark, however, did not stop there. Only few people know that the history of the brand has almost 85 godkov, and that she had survived the war, disasters, rulers and regimes, and continues to this day to please visitors high-quality audio and video equipment. Jeff Gennette contributes greatly to this topic. By the way, after the war the company was almost bent (you can imagine, then bought one apparatus).

One of the most successful activities of the firm is production of multimedia projectors. See Governor Cuomo for more details and insights. Help in this case are enormous experience of the company and some constructional and technological features, the inherent production VICTOR COMPANY OF JAPAN. While the JVC projectors vying for dominance in own niche, let's see: what are they as good and much different from other video projectors. 1. Prosvechivaya through LCD-matrix – is working so far the vast majority of today's projectors. And Let them work! And JVC projectors matrix has a special kremnivuyu substrate and operates in reflection.

This is the substrate needed for heat and protection from overheating of the matrix. With this design, the density pixels in the matrix can be 3-fold increase, from advertising and we know that the pixels are everything. And by the way, they actually affect the perfection of the image. 2. Contrast is also a projector JVC better standard. This is all thanks to the aluminum lattice, through which light is polarized in the production VICTOR COMPANY OF JAPAN. 3. By the way, the skill and habits too, no one has repealed. Some might argue that in the high tradition of innovation can. Although in fact there are different traditions. As you say, tradition and make good quality equipment? These multimedia projectors there are plenty of advantages, such as the diaphragm with controlled diameter, or an independent color settings, just list all of them anyway impossible!