
I’ve been doing photography for several years, this process is periodically flows from one state to another, does not always go smoothly, but always interesting. As a child I remember how my father showed film print photos in dark room. I used to be present, although no idea if that’ll do it professionally. It was very interesting to see how a white sheet of paper shows an image .. I still love these old photographs and albums are always leaf through when I come home. Was in these pictures some subtle soulfulness, Punctum, as they say.

(What punktum, I’ll tell you next time) It is believed that the photographer can not be this photographer, if he did not shoot on film, did not show it in the reagents are not printed and dried ready photos. I do not quite agree with this, though something in this statement is. Extremely helpful to at least a few times see how it goes. But if this is not possible, you should not and get upset. Seasons of the film have passed, now enters the scene number. Now it is very difficult to find good-quality film and darkroom for film development. Everything goes ..

So let’s shoot for a figure, the main thing – what we charge, not in what way, right? Yes, I am distracted. We had an old house ‘Zenith’, but someone has broken a long time before I wanted them to shoot. And ended before it began, the era of black and white film in my life. I recently reviewed it. What he turns out to be small, the lens is just a tiny, even compared to my favorite ‘fifty dollars’. Then I took off on the film ‘Soap-box’ Conica, something happened, something not. For amateur shots were pretty good. But it was a very long time. There was no growth, the pictures seem dull, lacking knowledge. I read everything that we had at home, old books, Then there was training and my first ‘DSLR’ rent. The main thing I made for myself from this period that we must shoot, shoot and shoot again. Remove and analyze what worked and what did not. That the next time to do differently. Next began the era of digital cameras. I bought my first SLR camera, often shoot them now. While I was working in another field, but felt no inspiration and the desire to do this, although there were large prospects. So, I threw it all, took only a photograph, take pictures of people on the job and for magazines. Studied throughout the practice. In 2006, the idea is ripe to create a remote photography schools, I have now and develop it. I like teach people, probably affects the formation of the first. Very interesting to watch how people develop, photograph better and more thoughtful. I myself developed together with them, as a teacher and as a photographer. I wish you development, inspiration, and always go for their dreams, even if everyone says it’s impossible.