
You can not rely on them as a source of income. Misunderstood #2: your friends are going to send clients I’m a fan of the networking and the power of connections to help you develop tutrabajo from home, but you can not expect that other people do the networking for you. You have to leave and face, talk, shake hands, Exchange cards, etc., etc., yourself. Perhaps you’re fortunate and get a customer or connection to recommend to others, but don’t expect (and, therefore, you do not desmoralices) that happen with the first contact you make. Build a client base takes time and requires effort, no one is going to do for you. Myth #3: Work from home means not having charges is true that your expenses will be reduced to work from home but not all costs will disappear instantly. You will always have at least the costs of food, rent or amortization of the mortgage, gas, phone, electricity, etc.

All those items that you previously used without worry (because the company in which you worked paid them) now have to buy yourself: papers, pencils, supplies, desk, fax, PC, etc. Organizes a budget carefully as soon as possible, all extremely poorly understood #3: working from home means to spend more time with the family only by the fact of being physically present in the House, does not necessarily mean that you will spend more time with your family. A job is a job, you still have to sit down and do the work that is required to make the business run. Up to the danger to the principle have less time than before to be with your family. First because starting a business requires much more time that keep one that is already running.

Secondly, because since the Office is just behind that door, it is very tempting to delay dinner to make that last phone call you have pending or completed an important task. In addition, when children, things get complicated conclusions the task is more complex than we imagine, but if you have these myths and misunderstandings bad present and reflect upon them, you will end up successfully armando tutrabajo from home. Just be honest with yourself and remember that you are trying to develop a business, not a way to pass the time. What is your experience of having a job on the internet?