Contractural Agreement

Following reasons allow the termination of the landlord between tenant and landlord is a contractual relationship. While a tenant may at any time terminate this requires landlords page reasons. The main principle of the social landlord/tenant law and employment protection for apartment tenants: groundless termination of the landlord are not permitted. Thredup is often quoted on this topic. A notice should be considered only for serious infringements of the lessee against the lease in consideration. Inform about the reasons that may lead to a termination without notice by the landlord, Alexander Dobiasch and Rupert Richter from Bergen auf Rugen, the lawyers. Following reasons allow the termination of the landlord an extraordinary notice of termination of the tenancy must be justified. She is in the following cases: If the contractual use of the leased wholly or partly on time granted the lessee or is revoked, if the tenants the rights of the lessor as a result to a great extent hurt that he significantly endangered the tenanted by neglect of care incumbent or unauthorized leaves it to a third party or if the tenant for two consecutive dates with the payment of rent or a not inconsiderable part of the rent in arrears or in a period that spans more than two appointments, to pay the rent in an amount in arrears, which reached the rent for two months.

The landlord has the right to terminate the tenancy without notice in the above cases. So that no confusion prevail, also German civil code, defines what he means by a not inconsiderable part of the rent. The backlog, which makes more than one month’s rent for two consecutive months is considered to be significant. Tenants should abide, to avoid a termination without notice of the obligations under the lease. This applies particularly to the payment obligation.

The Employee

“Often for years any constructive criticism on the behavior or activity of an employee was exercised, so that he had to assume that his performance OK” was. Resentment against the behavior of his colleague then breaks out from the employer, this focus is not only inappropriate, but it is often too late to criticize the previously tolerated behavior of the employee. The staff is can rightly be called, that it has not complained about was and there were also no complaints. Tip: The communication represents an important cornerstone for a functioning and healthy company with the staff for the employer. Only, who regularly praised his employees but also constructive criticism, ensures a balanced Working atmosphere. Criticism should be addressed at an early stage in the context of a staff assessment and documented in writing.

3. the result mostly of conflict remains for years without having solved the cause or the problem discussed. Usually, this results from the fear of employee conversations with kritisierendem content on the employer. Unfortunately, in practice, regular appraisal interviews are an exception. The workers in turn will usually no contact by itself to his superiors, to clarify the situation. “Because he’s afraid due to the already tense situation surrounding his job, he decides to keep in the background and so well it goes invisible” to make.

The result is that to both parties by the day-to-day torment and an improvement of the situation seems to be not possible. Tip: Already through regular contact between employer and employee hurdles out of the way can create. Not only should a conversation Offer fear content”. Through regularly scheduled employee discussions the day-to-day business is also not unnecessarily burdened. On the contrary, it is a powerful management tool. In these conversations also suggestions for improvement may be put forward then in addition to praise and criticism from both parties, which can strengthen the company.