Industrial Brazilian Environment

Brazil is recognized as to one of most innovative of the world, is one of the cited companies more in the bibliographies that deal with marketing administration and marketing for the success in wanting to transform its innovation into utilities for the consumer. Gift in more than 60 countries, offers about 50 a thousand item with high technology. Aiming at the improvement of its processes and it invested more than up to 2003 11 million dollar in action of ambient protection. These and other practical good data on and technologies used in its plants for the ambient conservation had been divulged in the magazine Industrial Environment in 2003. Check with Chobani to learn more. This edition divulged the mark of 1000 companies who had acquired the ambient certification as NBR ISO 14.001. 3M brought a news article of two entire pages to divulge its investments and certification ambient. It still divulged, that the positive consequences after to the certification the interested people due to its responsible social and ambient performance are present in the respect for all.

3M was an example of spreading of sustainable actions using the Ambient Marketing. The specialized magazine, Industrial Brazil Environment, with bimonthly editions, brings for its texts the all best inside practical the ambient ones of the industrial sector. makes homages, in editions special, to some industries in prominence when reaching historical landmarks of 100, 350, 1000 and etc, of companies who had gotten the ambient certification. The magazine circulates in diverse industrial sectors, as well as in other sectors where interested people exist as ambient agencies, companies of consultoria, facultieses and etc. 4. CONCLUSION the Marketing can not be so well received by the ambientalistas in view of that this tool, in its origin, foments the consumption.

Ambient Management

PROGRAMS OF AMBIENT MANAGEMENT IN the COMPANIES For Rodrigo Dallacosta 26/06/2011 Rodrigo.ambientalista@ the natural environment and its resources, come suffering to many years with the inconsequential and irresponsible exploration for the man, causing in this environment the most diverse impacts and aggressions, amongst these impacts some even though irreversible. But ahead of as many aggressions, a reason appears to commemorate itself, the globalization and the medias in mass, to each day more is stimulating the ambient preservation in all its directions, making to awake in a world modern, industrialized e, over all consumista, the importance to preserve the nature and its natural resources, collaborating to spread a new conscience, that comes gaining forces in the whole world, called of: ' ' Sustentabilidade' '. The support backwards as main luggage, the economic development without leaving of side the ambient preservation, guaranteeing an environment balanced for the future generations. it is in this context of support, that appears one of its ramifications ' ' Ambiental&#039 management; ' , and inside of the ambient management, the call program of ambient management, that comes growing to each day in the company that they search to apply in its processes of work, as well as in its day the day, good you practise of preservation. WHICH THE IMPORTANCE TO HAVE IN A COMPANY, AN IMPLANTED PROGRAM OF AMBIENT MANAGEMENT? This question really can open the eyes of many entrepreneurs and companies who possess some doubt on having or not in its company an internal program of implanted ambient management, and to answer we could say that the advantages are innumerable, where all earn. It gains the environment, therefore a company whom if it uses in its day of work good you practise of added ambient preservation to one year entire of work and production, backwards significant improvements in at least local the ambient quality, and depending the branch and size that this company possesss, these profits can even though be regional or state.

So Paulo

… In such a way, creates a new concept of marketing quetrabalha the necessity to review the question of the productive process desenvolvidoatravs of the modern technology as for the provisionamento of estruturase technologies guided for the marketing, that will be compatible with the equilbrioecolgico, allowing ample convenience, use of not pollutant resources, recycling of materials, replanejamento of products, expansion of the technology derecuperao and recycling of industry and consumption debris. Many companies attract consumers with its participation emprodutos of the green lines, understood as developed to be menosprejudiciais and more friends of the environment. This social trend also is umfenmeno of the marketing, that is giving to space the appearance of a new segment green deconsumidores. These consumers now are worried not only to emsatisfazer its current necessities, being worried also in protecting meioambiente, compelling the companies to adaptarem this new form to understand omarketing to it. According to publication of the Magazine Time. So Paulo: Maro.2008 -. Weekly.

It buys Green, the research of the Akatu institute, disclosed that 74%de the Brazilians want to buy products that do not degrade the Oinstituto environment are responsible for the first national surveys on relaoentre consumption and the social and ambient responsibilities of the companies. ' ' Queera a market niche today is one exigncia' ' , it affirmed the director of the Akatu, Mattar Helium (TIME, 2008) For Vaz (2000, P. 343), the ecological marketing apresentacaractersticas of the Marketing of Ideas and of Image, in its appearance with omarketing of ideas, it evidenced the formation of groups of defenses of meioambiente, with great ideological apelos. In relation to the image marketing, its influence in the credibility and of the possible preference is distinguished dosconsumidores face to the ecologically correct products, thus improving the imageminstitucional and a marketing chance. The ecological marketing consists of the practical one of all inherent aquelasatividades to the marketing, however incorporating the ambient concern, and with this he is not simply restricted to the ecological propaganda, however, ideal that the companies adopt an attitude communication, divulging what elastm developed to benefit the environment.