Medium Enterprises

The POS or Terminal point of sale or POS (Point Of Sale) is without a doubt, after the calculator and the machine register a software tool that has come to solve hundreds of organizational problems in the daily chores of the small businessman and large organizations that sell products. There is a wide range of POS Software in the market being the most competitive those that support artilujios of hardware such as computers in Pocket, fingerprint readers, magnetic stripe readers, bar code readers, touch screens. Are also very successful those that are scalable and allow the synchrony of data between multiple sites. A small businessman who begins to use a well-managed POS system does not need to worry about having to tell over and over again products to know should ask each one as you can determine a minimum of inventory for each product in the system and with only print a report of products low minimums will get a detailed report of what is and of what is needed in every moment. The result, saving precious time.

The small businessman wants to analyze which are the hours in which sells more as the hours in which less sold, also wants to know what are the products most sold and if you work with several people might want to know who is the seller or selling Star. The POS can become a kind of Oracle for the small businessman where can analyze trends in your small business and thus make decisions. There are many commercially available TPV although only a few are free and cross-platform. The importance of a TPV free already there are numerous cases of companies that in the moment that less them convienese are practically forced to buy new software licenses having the contracting company’s licenses suspended support for the previously purchased software. A micro-need at least that to ensure that the data generated today will be accessible tomorrow. A company cannot afford totally unnecessary and can enjoy software that costs you guarantees that whatever happens always will be available the source code so that it does not depend on a company for maintenance but to a growing community of programmers and users to the length and breadth of the world working in the development and maintenance of that piece of software. The importance of a free POS and a multiplatform tpv platform offers the simple guarantee that user does not have to rely upon a hardware manufacturer as this may seem foolproof and does not need to put your company’s data at risk. The user can change across the organization if it thinks so fit and hardware without the inconvenience of privative software licenses that can stop this kind of development by removing the software support when migrating to other hardware platforms.

A free POS is usually programmed on multi-platform such as java, perl or php languages what makes a tpv of free software portable to almost any type of hardware platform. An ejemplode a free POS and multiplatform is OPENBRAVO located on openbravo. org Sanchezdirectorio Andres Hispano I’ve played for more than 6 years as administrator of Linux and microinformatico systems. I am a fanatical apacionado by free software and new technologies in general, extreme sports and languages. I practice a discipline of the known as flatland BMX. Currently recido in Bogota colombia from where development projects based on free software.

Large Format Printing

Competition in the world of outdoor advertising is becoming more rigid. To select your brand from thousands of other "hyped" companies need unconventional approach and creative solutions. In an effort to make its advertising memorable and original, famous brands have resorted to using not only the creative designers and the entire design agencies, but also to non-standard support materials for large format advertising. Just about this tool win the love (and wallet) of the consumer we want to talk. Range of support materials for large format printing to date is truly great. Found in the ocean of existing materials so that will achieve the best quality finished products, while for the lowest of its cost – that's not an easy challenge for any manufacturer of outdoor advertising.

Let's see what tools we have in our disposal in order to solve this problem with maximum efficiency and minimum necessary expenditure. Paper Paper as a carrier material for large format printing offers tremendous opportunity "incarnation creativity in life. " For example, the interior advertising on the paper may print with photographic quality. Perfect it and to print posters and banners, and posters. For marketing purposes now being used as paper with coating, and without it. However, coated paper used consumer outdoor advertising much more frequently. Its principal difference – kind of coated paper from each other so that the coating provides precise overlay points and as a consequence – to save the exact boundaries of the transition from color to color, clarity, fine lines.