In this direction we can affirm that no pupil would have to be outside of regular education. The schools, together with its directors, coordinators and team of special education, are responsible for the adequacy of these pupils making with that they have access to the global resume, creating situations so that this learning effectively occurs, giving have supported to all the pupils, independent to be deaf or not, without forgetting that inclusion is much more that this. According to Mittler; Peter (2003, P. 27), ' ' the essence of the inclusion is that it must have an inquiry on what is available to assure what is excellent and accessible to any pupil in escola' '. One knows that so that the inclusion happens if it inside makes necessary some changes of the pertaining to school institutions, therefore these many times do not obtain to carry through it alone, is necessary a mutual effort of the parts school, family and society. The inclusion is a great challenge for both the parts, one of the primordial points is the envolvement of the professors who act directly with these pupils, if making necessary professional qualification of quality in which it can construct and extend its lived deeply knowledge comparing them with already previously. However, if it makes necessary to be intent to the part that more in them interests in this article ' ' surdo' ' , that for much time it does not come being understood and does not obtain to become to understand. She is necessary to evaluate until point everything what it is promised and supported for law is being fulfilled for pertaining to school institutions and public distributions, therefore thus we will only have the certainty of that the deaf people are apt to inside follow a worthy life of the school that discriminates it to as much it judges and it as incapable.