Group Assumptions

In our medium the author that he has developed this theme or modern contract is Sydney Alex BRAVO MELGAR. The one which has worked several publications about the same under Peruvian law, which incidentally part of the Peruvian doctrine, which is a source of law. I.e., suggest the inquiry of his research work, which explains all almost modern contracts, however, this is not done with some modern as e.g. with the companies lease contracts, which is true it is a contract, it is also true that it is little diffusion in Peruvian law and also of course little application in the same. 12 Groups of companies of enterprises groups are sets of companies and are assumptions of business concentration, in which there are two types or kinds of concentration which are as follows: groups of companies in relation of subordination and groups of companies in relation of coordination.

In the first a few companies are subject to the decisions of the other companies, while the second are all companies are equal, therefore it is clear that to enter into this agreement as it is the contract of Group of companies call to lawyers, not improvised, because they are very specific topics that require specialists. Accordingly in these assumptions of business concentration must agree the relationship management or coordination of the grouped companies in such sense is clear that a case there are groups of societies, and other cases are groups of cooperatives, groups of individual companies of limited liability, groups of entrepreneurs engaged in the company in the form of natural persons on the sidelines that run or not registered in the register of traders in public records. In addition to assumptions e.g. combined the Group’s cooperative and communal businesses, groups of cooperatives and individual companies of limited liability, cooperatives and groups of entrepreneurs engaged in the company in the form of natural persons, and in any case what we want show is not exclusive of the societies, but this course of business concentration can occur between all types of businesses.