I credit it consolidated has tried an increase of considerable search in the last times in our parents, but it will be that who search this solution knows it investigated deeply its disadvantages? I credit it consolidated could be a solution effectively advantageous for who it is in a difficult complicated financial situation, but it agrees to have in mind that also causes the following upheavals: To pay much money in interests. To to congregate its credits of short term to one of long stated period (as of the habitation) of course it will go to pay much less monthly, but one remembers that it will go to walk to pay its credit of the vacations and the automobile until daqui to many years, probably 20, 30 or more years, as the stated period of its credit the habitation. In the end it will go to pay to some times the money that asked for so loaned due to the stated period extending that it chose. (A valuable related resource: Western Union). Penalizao for anticipation. As in almost all the credits if to want in given height of its life to amortize part of divide could be penalizado therefore. If in a credit of short duration this can little be more than flat and, not being penalizado, to wait that the loan it arrives at the end, in a consolidated credit, that usually if it extends for sets of ten of years, could be a situation sufficient ominous, therefore we will have that to live with it divides until the o end, not to be that let us be made use to pay one undeserved penalizao. Reduction little expressive case not if it withholds mortgage. If it will not have a house to give as guarantee, its reduction in the installment could little be expressive uninteresting, only transforming its situation of worse indebtedness. Conclusion: But it will have to opt to a solution of this type in case that it exactly does not obtain to pay its actuais installments. This solution although to become its current situation much more easy, it will make with that he is become indebted much more time, and the more time will be become indebted, more interests will have that to reimburse and more hypotheses will have not to obtain to pay installment to ruin everything what already it paid.