Indeed, any process that occurs is a process of mutual relations of men and subordinates people tend to lose interest in the process. they start to “pull back” just because I do not see a quality development activities of those who direct the process. Many of us have experience a huge rise of enthusiasm and willingness to work when there is leader, not a leader, namely the leader. Leader is always a commitment, a great desire to move forward and achieve the desired result. Most people are just like those who impels us to reach the goal. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Western Union. That is what creates the tremendous rise in energy in the desire to do their job, because the large mass of people are not so stupid and lazy, and the true motives of leaders estimated they basically correct.
The simple conclusion is in such a situation, if there is a desire to maintain steady progress in his subordinates, it is necessary and most head seriously enough to develop professionally. Because the command-administrative system has long proven to be limited to the ability to develop prospects. And the fact that most people will see to create an interesting perspective and no doubt will want to take part in this, no doubt. Unfortunately, many managers are no visible results in the acquisition of new competencies. Who of the leaders can say to his subordinate, that this year (month, week) I, for example, improved here are their professional quality. And quite reasonably might ask a subordinate, but why did not develop its results for the better? Look at the objections of a slave after such arguments, it will want very much. But such examples are very few in our lives, and this is very sad. So where do you will be “burning eyes” from your employees, managers and gentlemen, as they explain to themselves what he sees every day? And where do they find the motivation for more action if it is not a manager? And probably the main issues. As the development manager will stop the process, which he directs? And it helps us move forward “” in the lifetime of the organization? that and be interested in this Article not leaders, just because most of them already have a 200% certainty that it was his subordinates is not the case! And so it really? And who benefits from this situation?