Statutory Health Insurance Fund

Will there be no head package in the statutory health insurance? “No head fee health insurance say politicians of the CDU and FDP in the election campaign of the Landtag: there will never be a head lump sum in the health insurance”. Health Minister Rosler said: anyone who claim otherwise would scare people. In a conversation about the Landtag election in North Rhine-Westphalia, politician of the CDU and the FDP on the enforcement of a head lump sum is expressed in health insurance. “In a post for Welt am Sonntag”, Health Minister Philipp Rosler of the FDP and Hermann Grohe, CDU General Secretary say: A premium per capita “will not be available. Who says otherwise, wants to frighten the people and trying to dodge an honest debate.” Specifically, the SPD tried to unsettle the insured in North Rhine-Westphalia. “The two coalition leaders say clearly: who us under, we wanted to chief doctor and charge nurse in the same way, says deliberate untruth”. Changes in the health care sector could happen only step by step.

A reliable health system thrives on the acceptance of all parties involved. This prohibits abrupt system change.” Of social compensation through the tax system would offer the chance of a more equitable burden-sharing. Heiner Geissler, formerly CDU Secretary General, warned the Union to follow the proposals of the FDP on the subject of tax and health policy. “” When the CDU adopts the head lump sum, it is the State and federal elections lose as was Maggie Thatcher with their poll tax ” Geissler said focus magazine in an interview”. The Green Bundestag Group Chief Renate Kunast reproached black yellow, she would continue to work with trickery. “The promised fiscal equalization is pure eyewash given fast”, said Renate Kunast in Berlin on Saturday. It increases the premiums of health insurance funds in the Government Commission to consider health-care reform would have been called, “but no one dares to say that” the Bundestag Group Chief said. One Report of the news magazine “Spiegel” after the health and interior ministries disown on Saturday, Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere of the CDU as a member of the Government Commission brought increases in premiums for the statutory health insurance in the game this year. It was but “completely far-fetched”, Roland Jopp, a spokesman for the Health Ministry.