4 Responsibility of the Collaborator the effect of the employment-related accidents are innumerable and negative and extremely onerous. Directly the rough worker its family suffers the biggest damages, therefore beyond to run death risk, the accident can leave sequelas and the disability for work. It fits to the collaborator to fulfill the disposals legal of the CLT- Art.158 that guides the responsibilities of the same ones: Art. 158 – It fits to the employees: I – to observe the norms of security and medicine of the work, also the instructions that deal with item II of the previous article; lI – to collaborate with the company in the application of the devices of this Chapter. Only paragraph – the unjustified refusal Constitutes faulty act of the employee: ) to the observance of instructions forwarded for the employer in the form of item II of the previous article; b) to the use of the equipment of individual protection supplied by the company. In relation to EPI, as much the employer as collaborating the same has relative obligations, one in supplying the equipment and in accordance with instructing the correct use and the other in for the adequate use and conservation the NR-6.6 the 6.7.1: 6.6.
It fits to employer 6.6.1. It fits to the employer how much to EPI: ) to acquire the adequate one to the risk of each activity; b) to demand its use; c) to only supply to the worker approved for the competent national agency in substance of security and the health in the work; d) to guide and to train the worker on the adequate use guard and conservation; e) to substitute immediately, when damaged or embezzled; f) to make responsible for the hygienic cleaning and periodic maintenance; e, g) to communicate to the MTE any observed irregularity. h) to register its supply to the worker, being able to be adopted books, fiches or electronic system.