But for failing to prevent their arrival, you should not have children at an early age, that when you leave it up to full adult. Single men who have no vices, are progressing faster than those who are married or have kids. A young man of 25 years devoted to work, save, and not spent on vices: drugs, liquor, loose women, homosexuals, progressing with speed, as if nothing is bought your computer, your TV, stereo, DVD, eat well, dress, bought his bike the same, finally, moving to a better place to live. In contrast, a 25 year old who likes to walk every day with different women, unemployed and over a girl pregnant and has a son with her, is condemned to be poor, to live a miserable and made to suffer her partner and son. If you get a job is not enough, lives annoyed with everything and everyone is a burden to her family, who look with pity, because it can not succeed. And if the family receives, is poorer but it already is. The first step in moving forward and emerge from bankruptcy is to sort your accounts.
Delete stupid expenses like liquor, whores, prostitutes, homosexuals, drugs. It is immoral to spend money that way. Have a desire of saving, try to spend less than what is gained. Find additional jobs we already have. Work overtime if you can.
Study something that allows us to better cope with life. study is an investment, not an expense. Providing income for some small business to generate self-employment, as is in most European countries and North America. That’s just one of the reasons for the progress of these peoples. Its people like to take, to do business, start a business, invest. But to do so, you must first save. In Latin America, Peru is the idea in the young from school, that the State should give you a job. There is the mistaken idea that you should buy a newspaper and see ads for jobs and so get a job, which is a big mistake. People should watch missing in their communities, locally, in your district and respond to that need. If I walk by the district and see that there is noy food cart, no one sells newspapers, that there is a shoemaker in dozens of blocks, there are no electricians around, then there is my chance. Place a food cart, a position of newspapers and magazines, a renewing of shoes, follow a basic course in electrical installations and engage in home-making facilities. Do not expect to be given a job, it yourself. Do not wait for the state, give you a job, struggle to build it yourself. Stop a job absurd charges, do not remove credits that can pay, do not pull the little money he earns in nasty vices, be methodical. The Jewish people have a tradition of lenders, and even absurdly accused them of loan sharks. But no. They are methodical people, austere, savings, work. So have succeeded in making a desert a country prosperous and power in the Middle-east – News ResultsSyrian bloggers brace for fresh blow to Middle East press freedom The Christian Science Monitor via Yahoo! News – Nov 16 01:44pmMIDDLE EAST: Eid al Adha animal slaughter sparks debate in Muslim world Los Angeles Times – Nov 17 11:00amMiddle East reporter visits University, talks about Iraq war The Daily Texan – 39 minutes ago’>Middle East. Let us follow this example and those of the peoples of Europe and North America, as they are to progress: birth control, savings, self-sacrificing work, methodical life, opposition to many things. “Some are born with a star, others are born stars …” Smile and be happy.