
Saving from costs to the stores. If a franchise-holder had to destine part of its time to realise telephone calls in order to create a new data base of clients or to update the one that it has, it could not take care of the store or it would have to contract one or several people to do this work, and so their benefits would be reduced . Update continues. we did not leave place to which he is descontextualizado. That is to say, we called one by one to the contacts that we must to know if it has changed some data or not . Verification of shipments. With the calls telephone we obtained a saving of costs since thus we know for example that the product catalogues arrive at their destiny or that the companies continue existing and follow interested in CARLIN . Practical utility.

Once it is verified that the data are the correct ones to buzonear in these directions and we sent to our catalogues . Diversification of clients. When differentiating the type from clients and its preferences we sent to a catalogue or another one since one company does not need the same products of stationery store that can require an individual. In addition a telephone call can mean a new client for CARLIN . Finally to indicate that the effectiveness of the CARLIN tele-marketing must to the effectiveness and preparation of the televendedores. To all of them we formed to them so that they solve the telephone calls with affection and respect. For example, we avoided calls to inopportune hours as it can in the evening be night. We put ourselves in the place of the person to whom we called and we give what we would like to receive, finalizes Hernandez.